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Michael Hutchence

Michael Hutchence's biography

Michael Hutchence is 37 years old singer born at Sydney. He was born on Friday 22nd of January 1960. According to year of birth 1960 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 22nd of January means he is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.

He is citizen of Australia. His primary profession is to be singer. You can know him also as actor, musician, film actor. He is recently known as composer.

Michael Hutchence's schools

We found 3 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Davidson High School, North Hollywood High School, King George V School.

Michael Hutchence's career

His main focus is to be singer. He focuses on rock music. He is also a member of INXS.

Michael Hutchence's partners

Kylie Minogue

Michael Hutchence and Kylie Minogue have been together. She is known as television actor. His partner was born on Tuesday 28th of May 1968 in Melbourne.

Helena Christensen

Michael Hutchence and Helena Christensen have been together. She is known as model. His partner was born on Wednesday 25th of December 1968 in Copenhagen.

Paula Yates

Michael Hutchence and Paula Yates have been together. She is known as television presenter. His partner was born on Friday 24th of April 1959 in Colwyn Bay. His partner died on Sunday 17th of September 2000 in London. Paula Yates was 40 years old, when this happened.

How did Michael Hutchence die

He died on on Saturday 22nd of November 1997 when he was 37 years old at Double Bay. It happend like suicide.

Michael Hutchence's body shape

Lets describe how Michael Hutchence looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Michael Hutchence

For the latest news - you can follow Michael Hutchence on social networks.