Inga Arvad's biography
Inga Arvad is 60 years old journalist born at Copenhagen. She was born on Monday 6th of October 1913. According to year of birth 1913 she belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 6th of October means she is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.She was married 2 times.
Inga Arvad's spouse
She is married to Pál Fejös
She is citizen of Denmark.
Inga Arvad's family
Inga Arvad's spouse
He is known as film director. Her spouse was born on Wednesday 27th of January 1897 in Budapest. Her spouse died on Tuesday 23rd of April 1963 in New York City. Pál Fejös was 50 years old, when this happened.
Inga Arvad's ex spouses
Tim McCoy
Inga Arvad and Tim Mccoy have been together since 1946 for 27 years. He is known as actor. Her ex spouse was born on Friday 10th of April 1891 in Saginaw. Her ex spouse died on Sunday 29th of January 1978 in Fort Huachuca. Tim Mccoy was 65 years old, when this happened.
Inga Arvad's career
Her main focus is to be journalist.
Inga Arvad's partner
John F. Kennedy
Inga Arvad and John F. Kennedy have been together. He is known as politician. Her partner was born on Tuesday 29th of May 1917. Her partner died on Friday 22nd of November 1963. John F. Kennedy was 50 years old, when this happened.
How did Inga Arvad die
She died on on Wednesday 12th of December 1973 when he was 60 years old at Nogales. Inga Arvads death was caused by cancer. It happend like natural causes.
Inga Arvad's body shape
Lets describe how Inga Arvad looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.