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Angie Dickinson

Angie Dickinson's biography

Angie Dickinson is 91 years old television actor born at Kulm. She was born on Wednesday 30th of September 1931. According to year of birth 1931 she belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 30th of September means she is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

She is native english speaker. She is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be television actor. You can know her also as film actor. She is recently known as actor.

Angie Dickinson's family

Angie Dickinson's ex spouse

Burt Bacharach

Angie Dickinson and Burt Bacharach have been together since 1965 for 16 years. He is known as pianist. Her ex spouse was born on Saturday 12th of May 1928 in Kansas City.

Angie Dickinson's schools

We found 3 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: Glendale Community College, Immaculate Heart College, Bellarmine-Jefferson High School.

Detailed informations about her schools

  • Attended Immaculate Heart College and Glendale Community College.
  • Attended and graduated from Bellarmine-Jefferson High School in Burbank, California, at age 15 (1947).

Angie Dickinson's career

Her main focus is to be television actor. You could see her also in Police Woman.

Angie Dickinson's partners

Frank Sinatra

Angie Dickinson and Frank Sinatra have been together. Frank is known as television actor. Her partner was born on Sunday 12th of December 1915 in Hoboken. Her partner died on Thursday 14th of May 1998 in Los Angeles. Frank Sinatra was 67 years old, when this happened.

John F. Kennedy

Angie Dickinson and John F. Kennedy have been together. He is known as politician. Her partner was born on Tuesday 29th of May 1917. Her partner died on Friday 22nd of November 1963. John F. Kennedy was 32 years old, when this happened.

Awards and competitions

Angie Dickinson's Awards

  • She was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Television at 7000 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on September 10, 1987.

Angie Dickinson's Rankings

  • Ranked #42 on Playboy magazine's "100 Sexiest Stars of the Century". [January 1999]
  • Ranked #3 in TV Guide's "50 Sexiest TV Stars of All Time" list. [2002]

What Angie Dickinson has done for a first time

  • First husband Gene Dickinson was a college football star, turned semi-pro. He later moved into the electronics business but they separated in 1956 after four years of marriage.

Angie Dickinson's quotes

  • My mother was against me being an actress - until I introduced her to Frank Sinatra.
  • No question - the more powerful men are, the more sexy they are.
  • When I started shooting Police Woman (1974), someone asked me if I had ever played a sleuth before. I said, "Yes, many times." I thought they were asking me if I had ever played a slut. I didn't know what a sleuth was.
  • I dress for women, and undress for men.
  • [on her initial reaction to the screenplay for Dressed to Kill (1980)] I was like "I can't do this, I'm 'Police Woman'!".
  • [When asked on Celebrity Poker Showdown (2003) what making Ocean's Eleven (1960) was like] Oh, it was wonderful. And I remember most of it.
  • I'm not a feminist: I'm for women, but I'm not against men.
  • I miss Nikki so much, but [committing suicide] was her decision. The world was too harsh a place for her.
  • I think [my father] was one of those sad people who didn't get what he wanted in life.
  • [asked about "the rumors" concerning herself and President John F. Kennedy, 2012] Oh my God! What have I gotten myself into?
  • [on Larry King Live (1985) in 1987] I don't feel important. I do at the moment, because I'm here with you. But the last few years I haven't. And I have no reason to feel important.
  • [on starring alongside John Wayne in Rio Bravo (1959)] To get a part with him, it's just something that you never even dream of. And in a decent role!
  • I have played mother roles, of course, and I have played grandmother roles, of course. But I like them to be a little bit bizarre or something. I love outrageous. But just to be a square mother is not for me.
  • Frank Sinatra had no choice but to let it all hang out.
  • I never really felt like a movie star until Police Woman (1974).
  • [on her film career] I was a leading lady, but never the lead.
  • [Who commented if she was serious about acting anything else after 2009]: Betty White jokes are just not for me. I am not looking for work, I don't really care. I've had my day in the sun, and I am very content.
  • [When she changed her mind about writing her book]: I realized no one else can do it. I actually thought of doing an audio-only book and I may still try for that.
  • [Who said about her starring role on Police Woman (1974)]: When I was up for a role, I didn't compete with men; it was a role for a woman. I was content with what they gave me.

Angie Dickinson's body shape

Lets describe how Angie Dickinson looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.