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Suri Cruise

Suri Cruise's biography

Suri Cruise is 16 years old relative born at Santa Monica. Suri was born on Tuesday 18th of April 2006. She is often nicknamed as Suri Cruise. According to year of birth 2006 Suri belongs to Generation Z. Birthday on 18th of April means Suri is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

Suri is white american. Suri is citizen of United States of America. She is roman catholic.

Suri Cruise's dad

Suri Cruise's father's name is Tom Cruise. Thomas is known as film actor. Her father was born on Tuesday 3rd of July 1962 in Syracuse.

Suri Cruise's mom

Suri Cruise's mother's name is Katie Holmes. She is known as television actor. Her mother was born on Monday 18th of December 1978. Suri Cruise was born when Kate was 28 years old.

Suri Cruise's career

Her main focus is to be relative. Suri is famous thanks to Daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

Is Suri Cruise gay ?

Suri is known to be straight.

What Suri Cruise has done for a first time

  • She was born on the same day and in the same hospital as Brooke Shields's daughter Grier Henchy. Her father Tom famously feuded with Brooke Shields after she gave birth to her first daughter 3 years earlier.

Suri Cruise's body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Suri Cruise looks. We will focus on Suri´s body shape, eye color and hair color. Body build is slim. Suri´s eyes are tinted blue. Suri´s hair is shade of brown - dark.