Scott Eastwood's biography
Scott Clinton Reeves is 36 years old actor born at Carmel-by-the-Sea. Scott was born on Friday 21st of March 1986. Scott is often nicknamed as Scott Clinton Reeves Eastwood, Scott Clinton Reeves, Scott Eastwood. According to year of birth 1986 Scott belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 21st of March means Scott is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.
He is native english speaker. Scott is white american. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as film actor, model, television actor. Scott is recently known as film producer.
Scott Eastwood's dad
Scott Eastwood's father's name is Clint Eastwood. Clinton is known as actor. Scott´s father was born on Saturday 31st of May 1930 in San Francisco.
Scott Eastwood's mom
Scott Eastwood's mother's name is Jacelyn Reeves.
Scott Eastwood's schools
We found 3 schools Scott attended. Complete list of schools: Loyola Marymount University, Carmel High School, Hawaii Preparatory Academy.
Scott Eastwood's career
Scott´s main focus is to be actor. Scott is famous thanks to Invictus.
Is Scott Eastwood gay ?
Scott is known to be straight.
What else you don't know about Scott Eastwood ?
His middle name is Clinton.
Scott Eastwood's quotes
- I'm single... if girls like me, hey, that's great. I think that's awesome.
- My old man is a man of few words.
- I like working with my hands. It feels good to build something yourself.
- My mom is my best friend and my biggest cheerleader.
- I never understood actors who could just wait around.
- I am not the greatest actor in the world, but the reason I keep working is that I work hard and show up every day and be easy to work with.
- My father taught me not to overthink things, that nothing will ever be perfect, so just keep moving and do your best.
- David Ayer is one of the best directors I've ever worked with. He's a true man's man.
- I got into this business because I like acting and I want to make movies. I would be happy living the rest of my life never famous.
- Regardless if what you do in the world, you do it good. You do your best, and you show up on time, and you leave and you do a good job, and you treat people the way you want to be treated.
- I'll probably not be the best actor in Hollywood, and I am okay with that. But I will be the hardest working one, and I'll be the one that people like to work with because I show up on time, and I don't complain.
- I'm a third generation Californian, and there's a lot of talented, good-looking guys in California, so I'm just happy to be working and lucky to be working.
- Really I'm a fan of any movie, whether it's suspense, action, or comedy - anything that has a good story.
- My dad never took himself too seriously. He always treated everyone with respect, and he made sure I was like that, too. I show up, I hit my mark, and I say my lines.
- I grew up on movie sets and traveling the world with my pops.
- You can only do what you can do in this world. If you start thinking of all the white noise out there, I think you'll go crazy.
- My life doesn't change. I still have to go out and work hard every day and do the best that I can do.
- I grew up on movie sets, getting to see storytelling happen up close.
- My mother taught me to be honest, to be selfless, and to touch people in a positive way.
- To be honest, my dad didn't care if I was a plumber or an actor. He just said, 'Whatever you do, do it well. be humble, work hard and be a man.'
- See also Other Works |Â Publicity Listings |Â Official Sites
Scott Eastwood's height, body shape, eye color
Lets describe how Scott Eastwood looks. We will focus on Scott´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. He is tall as 5' 11" (180 cm). Body build is athletic. His eyes are tinted blue. Scott´s hair is shade of brown - light.
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