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Rosario Flores

Rosario Flores's biography

Rosario Flores is 59 years old singer born at Madrid. She was born on Monday 4th of November 1963. According to year of birth 1963 she belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 4th of November means she is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.

She is citizen of Spain. Her primary profession is to be singer. You can know her also as musician. She is recently known as film actor.

Rosario Flores's dad

Rosario Flores's father's name is El Pescaílla. He is known as singer. Her father was born on Wednesday 3rd of March 1926 in Barcelona. Her father died on Friday 12th of November 1999 in Madrid. El Pescaílla was 36 years old, when this happened.

Rosario Flores's mom

Rosario Flores's mother's name is Lola Flores. She is known as singer. Her mother was born on Sunday 21st of January 1923 in Jerez de la Frontera. Rosario Flores was born when she was 40 years old. Her mother died on Tuesday 16th of May 1995 in Alcobendas. Lola Flores was 32 years old, when this happened.

Rosario Flores's family

Rosario Flores's spouse

He is known as film director. Her spouse was born on Thursday 3rd of October 1918 in Valls. Her spouse died on Friday 30th of November 1979 in Madrid. Pedro Lazaga was only 16 years old, when this happened.

Rosario Flores's ex spouse

Rosario Flores's career

Her main focus is to be singer. She focuses on Latin pop music.

Rosario Flores's partners

Enrique San Francisco

Rosario Flores and Enrique San Francisco have been together since 1987 for 3 years. He is known as spanish legionary. Her partner was born on Thursday 10th of March 1955 in Madrid. Her partner died on Monday 1st of March 2021 in Madrid. Enrique San Francisco was 58 years old, when this happened.

Carlos Orellana

Rosario Flores and Carlos Orellana have been together since 1991 for 8 years. He is known as film director. Her partner was born on Friday 28th of December 1900 in Hidalgo. Her partner died on Sunday 24th of January 1960 in Mexico City. Carlos Orellana was only 3 years old, when this happened.

Rosario Flores's body shape

Lets describe how Rosario Flores looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.

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