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El Pescaílla

El Pescaílla's biography

El Pescaílla is 73 years old singer born at Barcelona. He was born on Wednesday 3rd of March 1926. According to year of birth 1926 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 3rd of March means he is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.

He is citizen of Spain. His primary profession is to be singer. You can know him also as guitarist. He is recently known as composer.

El Pescaílla's family

El Pescaílla's ex spouse

Lola Flores

El Pescaílla and Lola Flores have been together since 1957 for 38 years. She is known as singer. His ex spouse was born on Sunday 21st of January 1923 in Jerez de la Frontera. His ex spouse died on Tuesday 16th of May 1995 in Alcobendas. Lola Flores was 69 years old, when this happened.

He has 1 son and 2 daughters

El Pescaílla's son: Antonio Flores

El Pescaílla's son's name is Antonio Flores. He is known as singer. His son was born on Tuesday 14th of November 1961 in Madrid. His son died on Tuesday 30th of May 1995 in Alcobendas. Antonio Flores was 69 years old, when this happened.

El Pescaílla's daughter: Lolita Flores

El Pescaílla's daughter's name is Lolita Flores. She is known as singer. His daughter was born on Tuesday 6th of May 1958 in Madrid.

El Pescaílla's daughter: Rosario Flores

El Pescaílla's daughter's name is Rosario Flores. She is known as singer. His daughter was born on Monday 4th of November 1963 in Madrid.

El Pescaílla's career

His main focus is to be singer. He focuses on flamenco music.

How did El Pescaílla die

He died on on Friday 12th of November 1999 when he was 73 years old at Madrid. El Pescaíllas death was caused by liver cancer. It happend like natural causes.

El Pescaílla's body shape

Lets describe how El Pescaílla looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.