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Priscilla Pointer

Priscilla Pointer's biography

Priscilla Marie Pointer is 98 years old television actor born at New York City, New York, USA. She was born on Sunday 18th of May 1924. According to year of birth 1924 she belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 18th of May means Priscilla is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.She was married 2 times.

She is native english speaker. Priscilla is white american. She is citizen of United States of America. Priscilla´s primary profession is to be television actor. You can know her also as actor, stage actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Priscilla Pointer's family

Priscilla Pointer's ex husbands

Robert Symonds

Priscilla Pointer and Robert Symonds have been together since 1981 for 26 years. He is known as actor. Her ex husband was born on Wednesday 1st of December 1926 in Bristow. Her ex husband died on Thursday 23rd of August 2007 in Los Angeles. Robert Symonds was 83 years old, when this happened.

Jules Irving

Priscilla Pointer and Jules Irving have been together since 1947 for 32 years. He is known as actor. Her ex husband was born on Monday 13th of April 1925 in New York City. Priscilla´s ex husband died on Saturday 28th of July 1979 in Reno. Jules Irving was 55 years old, when this happened.

She has 2 daughters.

Priscilla Pointer's daughter: Katie Irving

Priscilla Pointer's daughter's name is Katie Irving. She is known as singer. Her daughter was born on Saturday 9th of September 1950 in Paterson.

Priscilla Pointer's daughter: Amy Irving

Priscilla Pointer's daughter's name is Amy Irving. She is known as film producer. Priscilla´s daughter was born on Thursday 10th of September 1953 in Palo Alto.

Priscilla Pointer's career

Her main focus is to be television actor. Priscilla is famous thanks to her role as Dr. Elizabeth Simms in Chuck Russell and Frank Darabont’s A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.

Is Priscilla Pointer gay ?

She is known to be straight.

What else you don't know about Priscilla Pointer ?

Her middle name is Marie.

Priscilla Pointer's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Priscilla Pointer looks. We will focus on Priscilla´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Priscilla is tall as 5' 4" (163 cm). Body build is average. Her eyes are tinted black. Priscilla´s hair is shade of salt and pepper.