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Pamela Rabe

Pamela Rabe's biography

Pamela Rabe is 63 years old actor born at Oakville. She was born on Thursday 30th of April 1959. According to year of birth 1959 she belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 30th of April means she is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.

She is citizen of Canada.

Pamela Rabe's schools

We found 1 school She attended. Name of the school: Vancouver Film School.

Pamela Rabe's career

Her main focus is to be actor.

Pamela Rabe's quotes

  • I've done some film and TV in my career, but most of my career has been devoted to stage work.
  • Discussing 'The Freak' and Maggie Kirkpatrick's legacy to the character: I would have to honour her creation, but also not be a betrayal to this enormous following that Kirkpatrick had. It was a bit touch-and-go whether people were going to go with it.
  • About Wentworth: These are strong stories for strong women.
  • They gave me such constant gifts. You could almost hear the writers room quivering with glee as they come up with some of those things.
  • The nature of villainy is that it is complex. And I was relishing the opportunity to be unleashed on The Freak.
  • [Jokingly] Am I happy where they left my character? No, I'm not, appalling behaviour.
  • I'd worked with a lot of the actresses from the original Prisoner series, so I knew the hype.
  • I have such admiration for the producers, directors and actors. Particularly the writers for crafting with such care. And delivering narratives that place women front and centre - women of all shapes and sizes and moralities.
  • The reality of seeing the response internationally, fans coming up to you all over the world, the letters you get, blows my mind.
  • [on Wentworth]; It's a once-in-a-lifetime job. I know that - I think we all knew that.
  • It is a wonderful carrot to dabble in front of a camera.
  • I think it is a great privilege to be considered an icon of Australian television drama. There's a special little tribe of those female baddies that are very special.
  • Nobody knows what box to put you in so you actually have more freedom to earn people's respect or hatred or anything. It is what you do that counts.
  • I am much more interested in evoking those kind of responses in an audience than having them just want to like you, or charm you, or love you, or sleep with you. I'd rather it be a much fuller, more dangerous relationship.
  • It was called an open wound, an open sewer of a play.
  • When a thing is starting to congeal and galvanise, suddenly the little moments that you need to attend to become really apparent. You learn a lot about the story you're telling collectively, and the audience is helping you tell that story.
  • I'm never one to sit around and wait for the phones to ring. I love working in the theatre, and I work a lot in the theatre.
  • [on Ferguson's memory coming back]; Yes, we leave her having recovered her memories and accepting who everybody has been telling her that she is, and the question now is: who else is going to know about that?
  • There's a special little tribe of those female baddies that are very special.
  • It's a difficult world (during the depression, between the wars) and one of the main themes in the play is how hard it is to protect fragile things in that brutal world.
  • All I can tell you is that I felt incredibly sad, we all did. Particularly in the way we had to film the final season under COVID restrictions. All we wanted to do was hug everybody and we couldn't. We just couldn't.
  • There was some questions from fans, how in the world could they bring The Freak back from the nadir, the bottom of the barrel.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Pamela Rabe's body shape

Lets describe how Pamela Rabe looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.