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Mia Kirshner

Mia Kirshner's biography

Mia Kirshner is 47 years old actor born at Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Mia was born on Saturday 25th of January 1975. According to year of birth 1975 Mia belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 25th of January means she is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.

Mia is white canadian. She is citizen of Canada. Mia is jewish. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know Mia also as television actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Mia Kirshner's schools

We found 3 schools Mia attended. Complete list of schools: McGill University, Forest Hill Collegiate Institute, Jarvis Collegiate Institute.

Detailed informations about her schools

Mia studied high school - Jarvis Collegiate Institute, Toronto, Forest Hill Collegiate Institute.

Mia studied university - McGill University for 20th-century movie industry and Russian Literature..

Mia Kirshner's career

Her main focus is to be actor. Mia is famous thanks to The L Word.

Is Mia Kirshner gay ?

She is known to be bisexual.

Awards and competitions

Mia Kirshner's Rankings

  • Ranked #38 in Stuff magazine's "102 Sexiest Women in the World" (2002).

What Mia Kirshner has done for a first time

  • The "Stuff" magazine cover she did with Chyler Leigh was the first time that magazine ever featured multiple people on the cover.

Mia Kirshner's quotes

  • [on sex scenes with another woman] It's nothing to be ashamed of. I genuinely enjoy doing them, and I think that women are lovely and generous. There's an intangible feeling and a comfort level that is beautiful.
  • I don't care if people think I'm gay. Gender is of no consequence to me. It's a person's brain that counts.
  • What I know is true is that there is no shame in being gay. Love does not understand gender.
  • I think, as an actor, the challenge is to choose wisely. And, you know, say "no" more than you say "yes."
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Mia Kirshner's height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color

Lets describe how Mia Kirshner looks. We will focus on her height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color and shoe size. She is tall as 5' 2½" (159 cm). Mia weights 115lbs (52 kg). Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted grey. Her hair is shade of brown - dark. If you are really curious, you may find interesting her shoe size is 7 (US), 38.5 (EU), 5.5 (UK), 240 (J).

Latest news about Mia Kirshner

For the latest news - you can follow Mia Kirshner on social networks.

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