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Mia Farrow

Mia Farrow's biography

Maria de Lourdes Villiers-Farrow is 77 years old photographer born at Los Angeles. Mia was born on Friday 9th of February 1945. She is often nicknamed as María de Lourdes Villiers Farrow, Maria de Lourdes Villiers-Farrow, Mia Farrow. According to year of birth 1945 Mia belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 9th of February means Mia is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.Mia was married 2 times.

Mia is native american english speaker. She is white american. She is citizen of United States of America. She is roman catholic. Her primary profession is to be photographer. You can know Mia also as human rights activist, autobiographer, model, stage actor, film actor, television actor, actor. Mia is recently known as singer.

Mia Farrow's dad

Mia Farrow's father's name is John Farrow. He is known as film director. Mia´s father was born on Wednesday 10th of February 1904 in Sydney. Mia´s father died on Sunday 27th of January 1963. John Farrow was only 18 years old, when this happened.

Mia Farrow's mom

Mia Farrow's mother's name is Maureen O'Sullivan. She is known as stage actor. Mia´s mother was born on Wednesday 17th of May 1911 in Boyle. Mia Farrow was born when she was 34 years old. Mia´s mother died on Tuesday 23rd of June 1998 in Scottsdale. Maureen O'sullivan was 53 years old, when this happened.

Mia Farrow's family

Mia Farrow's ex husbands

Frank Sinatra

Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra have been together since 1966 for 2 years. Frank is known as television actor. Her ex husband was born on Sunday 12th of December 1915 in Hoboken. Mia´s ex husband died on Thursday 14th of May 1998 in Los Angeles. Frank Sinatra was 53 years old, when this happened.

André Previn

Mia Farrow and André Previn have been together since 1970 for 9 years. He is known as conductor. Her ex husband was born on Saturday 6th of April 1929 in Berlin. Her ex husband died on Thursday 28th of February 2019 in Manhattan. André Previn was 74 years old, when this happened.

She has 2 sons and 2 daughters

Mia Farrow's son: Moses Farrow

Mia Farrow's son's name is Moses Farrow. He is known as photographer. Mia´s son was born on Friday 27th of January 1978 in Seoul.

Mia Farrow's son: Ronan Farrow

Mia Farrow's son's name is Ronan Farrow. He is known as lawyer. Mia´s son was born on Saturday 19th of December 1987 in New York City.

Mia Farrow's daughter: Soon-Yi Previn

Mia Farrow's daughter's name is Soon-Yi Previn. She is known as film actor. Mia´s daughter was born on Thursday 8th of October 1970 in Suwon.

Mia Farrow's daughter: Dylan O'Sullivan Farrow

Mia Farrow's daughter's name is Dylan O'Sullivan Farrow. Mia´s daughter was born on Thursday 11th of July 1985 in Texas.

Mia Farrow's schools

Detailed informations about Mia´s schools

  • Daughter Malone attended Bard College (Class of 2007).

Mia Farrow's career

Her main focus is to be photographer. She is famous thanks to Peyton Place, Rosemarys Baby.

Is Mia Farrow gay ?

She is known to be straight.

Mia Farrow's boyfriend

Woody Allen

Mia Farrow and Woody Allen have been together since 1979 for 13 years. He is known as film director. Mia´s boyfriend was born on Sunday 1st of December 1935 in The Bronx.

Awards and competitions

Mia Farrow's Nominations

  • She was nominated for Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress for work A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy in 1983

What else you don't know about Mia Farrow ?

Mia´s middle name is de Lourdes.

What Mia Farrow has done for a first time

  • Was on the first cover of People Magazine.
  • Farrow was the first U.S. actress to be accepted as a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
  • When Farrow first met husband-to-be Frank Sinatra in 1964, she was 19 and he 48, a fact that prompted Dean Martin to quip that he owned a bottle of Scotch older than Farrow.

Mia Farrow's quotes

  • I get it now; I didn't get it then. That life is about losing and about doing it as gracefully as possible...and enjoying everything in between.
  • I wondered if, after all the things I'd been through, could I really act again?
  • I want a big career, a big man and a big life. You have to think big - that's the only way to get it ... I just couldn't stand being anonymous. - in 1965
  • As a young actress on her slender, waifish figure, "I'm kind of 20-20-20."
  • I don't like to talk about acting. I don't analyze it.
  • I love Lindt. Dark chocolate is such a delicious indulgence.
  • I don't think you can be a Catholic without an accompanying measure of guilt.
  • And I have the most wonderful children. I've been very, very blessed.
  • If I seem to be running, it's because I'm pursued.
  • I'm just an actress, ... I'm not presuming anybody will care whether I starve to death or whether I go on a long hunger strike or what. But it's a personal matter.
  • [Note to Robert Evans during the casting of The Great Gatsby (1974)] Dear Bob, May I be your Daisy?
  • A person who has no allegiance to truth will do anything. A person who will do anything is somebody to be scared of.
  • [on her divorce from Frank Sinatra] He came back, over and over and over and over. I mean, we never really split up.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Mia Farrow's height, body shape, eye color, hair color

Lets describe how Mia Farrow looks. We will focus on her height, body shape, eye color, hair color and shoe size. Mia is tall as 5' 4¼" (163 cm). Body build is slim. Mia´s eyes are tinted blue. Her hair is shade of blonde. If you are really curious, you may find interesting Mia´s shoe size is 8.

Latest news about Mia Farrow

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