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Lotte Verbeek

Lotte Verbeek's biography

Lotte Verbeek is 40 years old actor born at Venlo. She was born on Thursday 24th of June 1982. According to year of birth 1982 Lotte belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 24th of June means Lotte is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.

Lotte is white dutch. Lotte is citizen of Kingdom of the Netherlands. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as dancer. She is recently known as film actor.

Lotte Verbeek's career

Lotte´s main focus is to be actor.

Awards and competitions

Lotte Verbeek's Nominations

  • Lotte was nominated for European Film Award for Best Actress for work Nothing Personal in 2010

Lotte Verbeek's quotes

  • I like the Twiggy look.
  • That's the job of an actor. You get to be in all these strange new challenging situations.
  • No relationship is great all the time.
  • Like with 'Outlander' as well as with 'Agent Carter,' I had never heard of 'Outlander' before I got the part.
  • We all want to be carried away to a whole other world and have romantic tendencies about escaping to an exotic place and being swept off our feet.
  • I don't believe so much in good and evil.
  • I feel sexy when I'm natural. When I hear good music. When I feel sunlight on my skin.
  • To get a sense of a person, to get their essence, it's not just about details. It is about something you can't really describe.
  • You'll never really reach perfection, but the strive for it, I love it.
  • We all have different sides; nobody is just one thing.
  • I had never really seen 'Agent Carter' before I got the part.
  • I actually went to circus school as a child. I think my specialty was walking on the big ball. You know the big ball you can walk on? Yes, I was quite good at it.
  • In Holland, there's a song that goes, 'Redheads - they know how to kiss.' But that's obviously not a song I made. I don't know who made that song.
  • For me, a feminist is a self-empowered woman who strives to move things forward for not only women but also men in terms of freedom and liberation.
  • I like playing strong female parts.
  • Marvel used to be male-dominated, and I think that's changing.
  • I used to take circus lessons. I dreamt of being picked up in the street because they saw me doing something circus-like.
  • I'm always surprised when people talk about strong female characters because I feel like we all are.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Lotte Verbeek's body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Lotte Verbeek looks. We will focus on her body shape, eye color and hair color. Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted blue. Lotte´s hair is shade of red.

Latest news about Lotte Verbeek

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