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Juliette Mayniel

Juliette Mayniel's biography

Juliette Mayniel is 86 years old film actor born at France. She was born on Wednesday 22nd of January 1936. According to year of birth 1936 she belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 22nd of January means she is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.She was married 2 times.

She is native french speaker. She is citizen of France. She received Silver Bear for Best Actress The Fair in 1960

Juliette Mayniel's family

Juliette Mayniel's ex spouses

Vittorio Gassman

Juliette Mayniel and Vittorio Gassman have been together since 1964 for 4 years. He is known as film director. Her ex spouse was born on Friday 1st of September 1922 in Genoa. Her ex spouse died on Thursday 29th of June 2000 in Rome. Vittorio Gassman was 64 years old, when this happened.

Robert Auboyneau

Juliette Mayniel and Robert Auboyneau have been together. He is known as actor. Her ex spouse was born on Saturday 19th of November 1927. Her ex spouse died on Thursday 23rd of May 1974. Robert Auboyneau was 38 years old, when this happened.

She has 1 son.

Juliette Mayniel's son: Alessandro Gassmann

Juliette Mayniel's son's name is Alessandro Gassmann. He is known as film director. Her son was born on Wednesday 24th of February 1965 in Rome.

Juliette Mayniel's career

Her main focus is to be film actor. You could see her also in The Fair.

Awards and competitions

Juliette Mayniel's Awards

  • She received award for Silver Bear for Best Actress for work The Fair in 1960

Juliette Mayniel's body shape

Lets describe how Juliette Mayniel looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.