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John Christopher Depp

John Christopher Depp's biography

John Christopher Depp is 84 years old engineer born on in 1938. According to year of birth 1938 he belongs to Silent Generation.

He is citizen of United States of America.

John Christopher Depp's dad

John Christopher Depp's father's name is Oren Larramore Depp.

John Christopher Depp's mom

John Christopher Depp's mother's name is Violet Mattie Grinstead.

John Christopher Depp's family

He has 1 son.

John Christopher Depp's son: Johnny Depp

John Christopher Depp's son's name is Johnny Depp. He is known as film director. His son was born on Sunday 9th of June 1963.

John Christopher Depp's career

His main focus is to be engineer.

John Christopher Depp's body shape

Lets describe how John Christopher Depp looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.