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Joan Hickson

Joan Hickson's biography

Joan Bogle Hickson is -24 years old stage actor born at Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. Joan was born on Friday 5th of August 2022. Joan is often nicknamed as JoanieMiss M. According to year of birth 2022 she belongs to Generation Alpha. Birthday on 5th of August means Joan is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

She is white british. Joan is citizen of United Kingdom. Her primary profession is to be stage actor. You can know Joan also as film actor. She is recently known as actor.

Joan Hickson's schools

We found 1 school Joan attended. Name of the school: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

Joan Hickson's career

Joan´s main focus is to be stage actor. Joan is famous thanks to Miss Marple: Nemesis (1987).

Is Joan Hickson gay ?

She is known to be straight.

How did Joan Hickson die

She died on on Saturday 17th of October 1998 when he was only 24 years old. Joan Hicksons death was caused by stroke.

Awards and competitions

Joan Hickson's Awards

  • She was awarded the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) in the 1987 Queen's Birthday Honours List for her services to drama.
  • Won Broadway's 1979 Tony Award as Best Actress (Featured Role - Play) for "Bedroom Farce."

Joan Hickson's Nominations

  • Received 2 BAFTA nominations as Best TV actress for playing Miss Marple.

Joan Hickson's quotes

  • I was lucky not to have been born pretty.
  • I thought I was the wrong shape, that Miss Marple would be much fluffier than me, much more wearing shawls and things. But I was persuaded and now, well - I can only do it my way.
  • [on the death of her husband] I never really got over it, but my work was an enormous help. You simply have to go on.
  • [on her husband] He had no interest in the theatre. I don't think he ever came to see my work. After the show I would get on the train, go home and become Mrs Butler again. It was rather nice having two lives.
  • I wasn't beautiful, so there were plenty of character roles. I never did any Shakespeare, I'm far too superficial for that. I just act instinctively.
  • [on age] Once you stop, your brain goes, and when that happens it's all over.
  • [on being taken to her first pantomime, Cinderella, at the age of five] I was utterly entranced, and asked my parents to move as near to the theatre as possible. I knew immediately that the life I wanted was there.
  • I have never been a star, I'm just an old character bag.
  • I was never really pretty, so for someone like myself it's more useful to be a character actress than a leading actress... in television especially, they want real wrinkles.
  • [on Miss Marple] I think she's a wonderful woman with a very clear outlook on life. Miss Marple believes in justice and has very high standards. There is nothing you could say or do that would shock her.
  • Retirement is fatal. If you retire you go POP.
  • [on being sent away to school during World War I] It was one of the first co-educational schools. I remember my Aunt Lizzie in tweeds and a flying helmet running up and down the touchline shouting for our boys.
  • I love getting back to Wivenhoe. I get out of my wig, bustle and costume in three minutes flat at the end of the play before jumping into a taxi outside the theater and catching the train home.
  • [on being awarded an OBE] It must be because the programme (Miss Marple) has gone all over the world and is bringing in such lovely revenue. I think its enormous success is because it's so charmingly done.
  • [on disapproval from her relatives about acting] My Aunt Aggie - she was about 4 feet tall - drew herself up to her full height and said, 'What is Joan's destination to be?' which she thought was the gutter, you see.
  • [on the Open Air Theatre in Regent's Park during World War II] We kept one eye on the sky to see what was coming over. We used to feel the audience were being... stupid because they sort of hurled themselves on the ground.
  • I watch these old films in black and white, and suddenly the door opens and there I am. The other day, I was wearing the most awful hat.

Joan Hickson's body shape, hair color

Lets describe how Joan Hickson looks. We will focus on her body shape, hair color. Body build is average. Joan´s hair is shade of grey.