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Gregg Araki

Gregg Araki's biography

Gregg Yoshio Araki is 63 years old film director born at Los Angeles. Gregg was born on Thursday 17th of December 1959. According to year of birth 1959 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 17th of December means Gregg is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fiery sign of Zodiac Belt. These people are highly learned and love to gain knowledge throughout their life.

He is asian american. Gregg is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be film director. You can know Gregg also as screenwriter, film editor, cinematographer. Gregg is recently known as film producer.

Gregg Araki's schools

We found 3 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: University of Southern California, University of California, Santa Barbara, USC School of Cinematic Arts.

Detailed informations about Gregg´s schools

  • Graduated USC School of Cinema-Television.

Gregg Araki's career

His main focus is to be film director. Gregg is famous thanks to White Bird in a Blizzard (2014).

Is Gregg Araki gay ?

He is known to be bisexual.

What else you don't know about Gregg Araki ?

Gregg´s middle name is Yoshio.

Gregg Araki's quotes

  • I couldn't make movies like this if I started to worry about what Jerry Falwell is going to have to say about it.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Gregg Araki's body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Gregg Araki looks. We will focus on Gregg´s body shape, eye color and hair color. Body build is slim. His eyes are tinted brown - dark. Gregg´s hair is shade of black.

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