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Goran Visnjic

Goran Visnjic's biography

Goran Visnjic is often nicknamed as Sime. According to year of birth 1972 Goran Visnjic belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 9th of September means Goran Visnjic is Virgo. Virgo is an earthy sign of Zodiac Belt. People born under this Rising Sign are practical in nature. They believe in reality and represents themselves as a strong person.

Awards and competitions

Goran Visnjic's Rankings

  • Ranked #18 in Croatian-based monthly film magazine "Hollywood" in «Best Croatian Male Movie Stars of All Time» list. (November 2005)
  • Ranked #1 in Croatian Internet IskonPortal Magazine's "Top 10 Sexiest Croatian Movie Stars of 2005" list. (January, 2005)

Goran Visnjic's Donations

  • May 26, 2002 - Donated 1000 pounds in prize money that he won on a Croatian quiz show, giving it to the country's theatres. At the time, he had never been on a TV quiz show.

Goran Visnjic's quotes

  • "When somebody is attacking your hometown, and you're just sitting in the basement, you feel really useless. I felt I had to do it to defend my country. That's normal." - on why he extended his military service.
  • I'm working with a dialect coach, but it's not helping. I want everyone to understand what I am talking about, like 'peritoneal lavage', you know, these medical expressions... I don't want to lose my accent, I just want it to become smaller.
  • I don't understand the word 'hunk.'" - "Calgary Sun, " Jan. 30, 2000.
  • The first time I came here it was 10 days, then 15 days, then three months. Now this time I have to stay to April. I'm slowly getting stuck here and I miss Europe.
  • I would really like to do theatre in my native language because that would be like so relaxed after ER ... English ... those medical words!
  • Making my English better is a hard job, a slow job. But it's getting better. Three years ago it would have taken me a half hour to say this sentence.
  • This cute woman walked into my favourite bar in Gavella, Croatia, about 5 years ago. When I saw her I said "Uh-oh, that's it". But I was shy, so I didn't ask her out until a couple of days later, when I finally found someone who knew her phone number.
  • I was happy to do it when I saw the chance of helping out the local theatre scene ... I am delighted to be able to help the theatres where I grew up and learned my profession. I have never forgotten my past.
  • After singing "stop the war in Croatia" for a couple of months we realized nobody was going to give us a hand and we had to do this on our own.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Goran Visnjic's body shape

Lets describe how Goran Visnjic looks. We will focus on Goran Visnjic's body shape. Body build is average.