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Gail Zappa

Gail Zappa's biography

Gail Zappa is 70 years old businessperson born at Philadelphia. She was born on Monday 1st of January 1945. According to year of birth 1945 she belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 1st of January means she is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

She is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be businessperson. She is recently known as record producer.

Gail Zappa's family

Gail Zappa's ex spouse

Frank Zappa

Gail Zappa and Frank Zappa have been together since 1967 for 26 years. He is known as guitarist. Her ex spouse was born on Saturday 21st of December 1940 in Baltimore. Her ex spouse died on Saturday 4th of December 1993 in Los Angeles. Frank Zappa was 48 years old, when this happened.

She has 2 sons and 2 daughters

Gail Zappa's son: Dweezil Zappa

Gail Zappa's son's name is Dweezil Zappa. He is known as guitarist. Her son was born on Friday 5th of September 1969 in Los Angeles.

Gail Zappa's son: Ahmet Zappa

Gail Zappa's son's name is Ahmet Zappa. He is known as musician. Her son was born on Wednesday 15th of May 1974 in Los Angeles.

Gail Zappa's daughter: Moon Unit Zappa

Gail Zappa's daughter's name is Moon Unit Zappa. She is known as singer. Her daughter was born on Thursday 28th of September 1967 in New York City.

Gail Zappa's daughter: Diva Zappa

Gail Zappa's daughter's name is Diva Zappa. She is known as film actor. Her daughter was born on Monday 30th of July 1979 in Los Angeles.

Gail Zappa's career

Her main focus is to be businessperson.

How did Gail Zappa die

She died on on Wednesday 7th of October 2015 when he was 70 years old at Los Angeles. Gail Zappas death was caused by lung cancer. It happend like natural causes.

Gail Zappa's body shape

Lets describe how Gail Zappa looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.