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Elsa Pataky

Elsa Pataky's biography

Elsa Lafuente Medianu is 46 years old actor born at Madrid. She was born on Sunday 18th of July 1976. She is often nicknamed as Elsa Hemsworth, Elsa Lafuente Medianu, Elsa Pataky. According to year of birth 1976 she belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 18th of July means Elsa is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.

Elsa is native spanish speaker. She is white spanish. Elsa is citizen of Spain. She is roman catholic. Elsa´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know Elsa also as film producer, model, singer. Elsa is recently known as film actor.

Elsa Pataky's family

Elsa Pataky's husband

He is known as model. Elsa´s husband was born on Thursday 11th of August 1983 in Melbourne.

Elsa Pataky's ex husband

Elsa has 2 sons and 1 daughter

Elsa Pataky's son: Sasha Hemsworth

Elsa Pataky's son's name is Sasha Hemsworth. He is known as actor. Her son was born on Tuesday 18th of March 2014 in Los Angeles.

Elsa Pataky's son: Tristan Hemsworth

Elsa Pataky's son's name is Tristan Hemsworth. He is known as actor. Elsa´s son was born on Tuesday 18th of March 2014 in Los Angeles.

Elsa Pataky's daughter: India Rose Hemsworth

Elsa Pataky's daughter's name is India Rose Hemsworth. She is known as actor. Her daughter was born on Friday 11th of May 2012.

Elsa Pataky's schools

We found 1 school Elsa attended. Name of the school: CEU San Pablo University.

Detailed informations about Elsa´s schools

She studied university - CEU San Pablo University, Madrid, Spain.

Elsa Pataky's career

Her main focus is to be actor. Elsa is famous thanks to Los Serrano, Wife of Chris Hemsworth.

Is Elsa Pataky gay ?

She is known to be straight.

Elsa Pataky's boyfriends

Adrien Brody

Elsa Pataky and Adrien Brody have been together since 2006 for 3 years. Adrien is known as actor. Her boyfriend was born on Saturday 14th of April 1973 in Woodhaven.

Olivier Martinez

Elsa Pataky and Olivier Martinez have been together less than a year in 2009. He is known as actor. Her boyfriend was born on Wednesday 12th of January 1966 in Paris.

Michaël Youn

Elsa Pataky and Michaël Youn have been together since 2004 for 2 years. He is known as comedian. Elsa´s boyfriend was born on Sunday 2nd of December 1973 in Suresnes.

Fonsi Nieto

Elsa Pataky and Fonsi Nieto have been together since 1999 for 5 years. He is known as motorcycle rider. Elsa´s boyfriend was born on Saturday 2nd of December 1978 in Madrid.

What else you don't know about Elsa Pataky ?

Her middle name is Lafuente.

Elsa Pataky's quotes

  • [on starting a family with husband Chris Hemsworth]: Having the person that you love by your side and starting a family with them is the best thing that can happen to you in this life. You can't ask for more.
  • All my tattoos are discreet and they always mean something to me - I never get them just for how they look.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Elsa Pataky's height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color

Lets describe how Elsa Pataky looks. We will focus on Elsa´s height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color and shoe size. Elsa is tall as 5' 3½" (161 cm). Elsa weights 112lbs (51 kg). Body build is athletic. Her eyes are tinted blue. Elsa´s hair is shade of dyed blonde. If you are really curious, you may find interesting Elsa´s shoe size is 7.

Latest news about Elsa Pataky

For the latest news - you can follow Elsa Pataky on social networks.