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Elizabeth Rees

Elizabeth Rees's biography

Elizabeth Rees is 86 years old actor born at Cardiff. She was born on Friday 1st of May 1936. According to year of birth 1936 she belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 1st of May means she is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.She was married 4 times.

Elizabeth Rees's spouse

She is married to Peter Michael Aitken

She is citizen of United Kingdom.

Elizabeth Rees's dad

Elizabeth Rees's father's name is David Rees-Williams, 1st Baron Ogmore.

Elizabeth Rees's mom

Elizabeth Rees's mother's name is Constance Wills.

Elizabeth Rees's family

Elizabeth Rees's spouse

Elizabeth Rees's ex spouses

Richard Harris

Elizabeth Rees and Richard Harris have been together since 1957 for 12 years. He is known as actor. Her ex spouse was born on Wednesday 1st of October 1930 in Limerick. Her ex spouse died on Friday 25th of October 2002 in University College Hospital. Richard Harris was 66 years old, when this happened.

Rex Harrison

Elizabeth Rees and Rex Harrison have been together since 1971 for 4 years. He is known as film actor. Her ex spouse was born on Thursday 5th of March 1908 in Huyton. Her ex spouse died on Saturday 2nd of June 1990 in New York City. Rex Harrison was 54 years old, when this happened.

Jonathan Aitken

Elizabeth Rees and Jonathan Aitken have been together.

She has 2 sons.

Elizabeth Rees's son: Damian Harris

Elizabeth Rees's son's name is Damian Harris. He is known as film director. Her son was born on Saturday 2nd of August 1958 in London.

Elizabeth Rees's son: Jared Harris

Elizabeth Rees's son's name is Jared Harris. He is known as actor. Her son was born on Thursday 24th of August 1961 in London.

Elizabeth Rees's career

Her main focus is to be actor.

How did Elizabeth Rees die

She died on on Friday 15th of April 2022 when he was 86 years old.

Elizabeth Rees's body shape

Lets describe how Elizabeth Rees looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.