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Daniel Day-Lewis

Daniel Day-Lewis's biography

Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis is 65 years old film actor born at Kensington. He was born on Monday 29th of April 1957. Daniel is often nicknamed as Ddl, Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis, Daniel Day-Lewis. According to year of birth 1957 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 29th of April means he is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.

He is white british. Daniel is citizen of Republic of Ireland. He is agnostic. Daniel´s primary profession is to be film actor. You can know him also as artist, stage actor. He is recently known as television actor. He received Academy Award for Best Actor My Left Foot in 1989

Daniel Day-Lewis's dad

Daniel Day-Lewis's father's name is Cecil Day-Lewis. He is known as poet. Daniel´s father was born on Wednesday 27th of April 1904 in County Laois. His father died on Monday 22nd of May 1972 in Lemmons. Cecil Day-Lewis was only 15 years old, when this happened.

Daniel Day-Lewis's mom

Daniel Day-Lewis's mother's name is Jill Balcon. She is known as actor. His mother was born on Saturday 3rd of January 1925 in London. Daniel Day-Lewis was born when she was 32 years old. Daniel´s mother died on Saturday 18th of July 2009 in London. Jill Balcon was 52 years old, when this happened.

Daniel Day-Lewis's family

Daniel Day-Lewis's wife

She is known as screenwriter. His wife was born on Saturday 15th of September 1962 in Roxbury.

Daniel Day-Lewis's ex wife

Daniel has 2 sons.

Daniel Day-Lewis's son: Gabriel-Kane Day Lewis

Daniel Day-Lewis's son's name is Gabriel-Kane Day Lewis. Daniel´s son was born on Sunday 9th of April 1995 in New York City.

Daniel Day-Lewis's son: Ronan Day-Lewis

Daniel Day-Lewis's son's name is Ronan Day-Lewis. His son was born in 1998.

Daniel Day-Lewis's schools

We found 3 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, Sevenoaks School, Bedales School.

Detailed informations about Daniel´s schools

He studied high school - Bedales School, Hampshire, England.

He studied university - Bristol Old Vic Theatre School.

Daniel Day-Lewis's career

Daniel´s main focus is to be film actor. He is famous thanks to The Last of the Mohicans. You could see him also in My Left Foot, There Will Be Blood, Lincoln and many more. Daniel is also a member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Is Daniel Day-Lewis gay ?

Daniel is known to be straight.

Daniel Day-Lewis's girlfriend

Isabelle Adjani

Daniel Day-Lewis and Isabelle Adjani have been together since 1989 for 6 years. She is known as film actor. His girlfriend was born on Monday 27th of June 1955.

Awards and competitions

Daniel Day-Lewis's Awards

  • After Heath Ledger's sudden death in January 2008, Day-Lewis dedicated his 2008 SAG Award to Ledger, who was one of his favorite actors.
  • Is the first non-American actor to win three Academy Awards for Best Actor. Also the first actor anywhere to win three Oscars in that category--the 2013 Oscar for Lincoln (2012) was his third.
  • He won 23 acting awards for his performance in There Will Be Blood (2007), including the coveted Oscar.
  • He was awarded Knight Bachelor of the Order of the British Empire in the 2014 Queen's Birthday Honours List for his services to drama.

Daniel Day-Lewis's Rankings

  • Ranked #25 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]
  • His performance as Christy Brown in My Left Foot (1989) is ranked #11 on Premiere magazine's 100 Greatest Performances of All Time (2006).
  • His performance as Bill "The Butcher" Cutting in Gangs of New York (2002) is ranked #53 on Premiere magazine's 100 Greatest Performances of All Time (2006).

Daniel Day-Lewis's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor for work In the Name of the Father in 1993
  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor
  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor
  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor
  • Daniel was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor
  • Daniel was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor
  • Daniel was nominated for European Film Award for Best Actor for work My Left Foot in 1989

What Daniel Day-Lewis has done for a first time

  • Is the first non-American actor to win three Academy Awards for Best Actor. Also the first actor anywhere to win three Oscars in that category--the 2013 Oscar for Lincoln (2012) was his third.
  • He first became interested in acting when he learned to replicate the accent and mannerisms of people in his neighborhood to avoid standing out to bullies.
  • Became a father for the first time at age 37 when his ex-girlfriend Isabelle Adjani gave birth to their son Gabriel-Kane Day Lewis on April 9, 1995.
  • As of 2018, has the largest gap between first and last Best Actor Oscar wins, which is 23 years between My Left Foot (1989) and Lincoln (2012). It is also the longest duration between first and last acting Oscars of any male actor.

Daniel Day-Lewis's quotes

  • [on acting] If I weren't allowed this outlet, there wouldn't be a place for me in society.
  • I suppose I have a highly developed capacity for self-delusion, so it's no problem for me to believe I'm somebody else.
  • [on whether or not he will act in films more often in the future] Nothing happened over the course of making Gangs of New York (2002) that made me think, "Why don't I do this more often?".
  • In every actor's life, there is a moment when they ask themselves, "Is it really seemly for me to still be doing this?".
  • Life comes first. What I see in the characters, I first try to see in life.
  • [on playing Jack Slevin in The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005)] I was, as always, wary of taking on the role. This was a man whose soul was torn, and once you've adopted that kind of internal conflict, it's difficult to quiet.
  • Playing the part of Christy Brown [in My Left Foot (1989)] left me with a sense of setting myself on a course, of trying to achieve something that was utterly out of reach.
  • Why would I want to play middle-aged, middle-class Englishmen?
  • There's a quality of wildness that exists in Ireland that coincides with utter solitude.
  • Laurence Olivier might have been a much better actor on film if he hadn't had that flippant attitude. [He] was a remarkable actor, but he was entirely missing the point consistently. He felt that film was an inferior form.
  • The thing that Konstantin Stanislavski lays out is how you do the thing the first time every time - 1,000 times. That's the idea you're always searching for.
  • [on applying to theater school, the Bristol Old Vic] I picked just one because then it would be a sign from the gods if it was not meant to be.
  • I used to go to all-night screenings of [Clint Eastwood] movies. I'd stagger out at 5 in the morning, trying to be loose-limbed and mean and taciturn.
  • Whenever we reach what we think are the boundaries of our endurance, you know ten minutes later you're thinking: "I could have done that"--like in any athletic pursuit--"I could have gone further than that; I could have jumped higher".
  • I do have dual citizenship, but I think of England as my country. I miss London very much but I couldn't live there because there came a time when I needed to be private and was forced to be public by the press. I couldn't deal with it.
  • [on accepting the best actor Oscar for There Will Be Blood (2007)] This sprang like a sapling out of the mad, beautiful head of Paul Thomas Anderson.
  • [on choosing film roles] I begin with a sense of mystery. In other words, I am intrigued by a life that seems very far removed from my own. And I have a sense of curiosity to discover that life and maybe change places with it for a while.
  • Interviews are God's great joke on me.
  • [on photos of Abraham Lincoln by Alexander Gardner] I looked at them the way you sometimes look at your own reflection in a mirror and wonder who that person is looking back at you.
  • I never, ever felt that depth of love for another human being that I never met. And that's, I think, probably the effect that [Abraham Lincoln] has on most people that take the time to discover him... I wish he had stayed [with me] forever.
  • [accepting the Best Actor award at SAG, 2013] It occurred to me--it was an actor that murdered Abraham Lincoln. And therefore, somehow it is only so fitting that every now and then an actor tries to bring him back to life again.
  • Since we got married 16 years ago, my wife [Rebecca Miller] has lived with some very strange men. But luckily, she's the versatile one in the family and she's been the perfect companion to all of them.
  • [on Barack Obama's re-election, November 2012] I know as an Englishman, it absolutely none of my business, but I'm so very grateful it was you.
  • [on stage vs. film acting in a 1987 interview] I'm greedy. I prefer both. By that I mean I feel that I'd be missing out if I were to do only one or the other.
  • There's no point in making social comments badly. That is really dangerous... I don't like things that just gripe.
  • (To Harvey Weinstein) There's only one part of you that works - the ability to pick scripts and pick movies. Otherwise, you're a complete disaster as a person.

Daniel Day-Lewis's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Daniel Day-Lewis looks. We will focus on Daniel´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Daniel is tall as 6' 1¼" (186 cm). Body build is slim. His eyes are tinted hazel. His hair is shade of salt and pepper.

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