Charles Macarthur's biography
Charles Macarthur is 61 years old screenwriter born at Michigan. He was born on Tuesday 5th of November 1895. According to year of birth 1895 he belongs to Lost Generation. Birthday on 5th of November means he is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.
He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be screenwriter. You can know him also as playwright, writer, film producer, theatrical director. He is recently known as film director. He received Academy Award for Best Story The Scoundrel in 1934
Charles Macarthur's family
Charles Macarthur's ex spouse
Helen Hayes
Charles Macarthur and Helen Hayes have been together since 1928 for 28 years. She is known as film actor. His ex spouse was born on Wednesday 10th of October 1900 in Washington, D.C.. His ex spouse died on Wednesday 17th of March 1993 in Nyack. Helen Hayes was 98 years old, when this happened.
Charles Macarthur's career
His main focus is to be screenwriter.
How did Charles Macarthur die
He died on on Saturday 21st of April 1956 when he was 61 years old at New York City. Charles Macarthurs death was caused by disease.
Awards and competitions
Charles Macarthur's Awards
- He received award for Academy Award for Best Story for work The Scoundrel in 1934
Charles Macarthur's Nominations
- He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Story
- He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Story
- He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay
Charles Macarthur's body shape
Lets describe how Charles Macarthur looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.