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Catalina Sandino Moreno

Catalina Sandino Moreno's biography

Catalina Sandino Moreno is 41 years old actor born at Bogotá. She was born on Sunday 19th of April 1981. According to year of birth 1981 she belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 19th of April means she is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

She is citizen of Colombia. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as painter. She is recently known as film actor. She received Independent Spirit Award for Best Female Lead Maria Full of Grace in 2004

Catalina Sandino Moreno's schools

We found 2 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: Pontifical Xavierian University, Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute.

Detailed informations about her schools

  • Attended Saint George's School in Bogotá, Colombia.

Catalina Sandino Moreno's career

Her main focus is to be actor. You could see her also in Maria Full of Grace.

Awards and competitions

Catalina Sandino Moreno's Awards

  • She is the first Colombian to be nominated for an Academy Award.
  • Became the first actress ever to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Performance that was spoke entirely in Spanish throughout the entirety of the film.
  • One of very few actors to receive an Academy Award nomination for their screen debut.
  • She is the first person born in the 1980s to have received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress, for Maria Full of Grace (2004). Natalie Portman is the first person born in the 1980s to have won the award, for Black Swan (2010).
  • She is one of the few actors to receive an Academy Award nomination for their first ever feature film.

Catalina Sandino Moreno's Nominations

  • She was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actress for work Maria Full of Grace in 2004

What Catalina Sandino Moreno has done for a first time

  • She is the first Colombian to be nominated for an Academy Award.
  • Became the first actress ever to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Performance that was spoke entirely in Spanish throughout the entirety of the film.
  • She is the first person born in the 1980s to have received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress, for Maria Full of Grace (2004). Natalie Portman is the first person born in the 1980s to have won the award, for Black Swan (2010).
  • She is one of the few actors to receive an Academy Award nomination for their first ever feature film.

Catalina Sandino Moreno's quotes

  • It is amazing. None of us ever expected ['Maria Full of Grace'] to be so big. It was a film that was made with all the love in the world and it is being so well received. We would have never expected it.
  • I love theater. I want to keep learning and I think that by doing as much theater as I can, it will make me a better actress for film.
  • "It's the story of this girl and at the end of the movie she's a woman." - on Maria Full of Grace.
  • Maria had such an impact on me that I didn't want to do something so light. I wanted to do something with power. Anyone can be a beautiful girl. Any girl can be that. So I didn't do anything for three years. I was waiting for the right roles.
  • I feel I have a responsibility, as an actress, as a Colombian immigrant, and just as a person, to show people reality. It would be nice to be an actress who loves action movies, but I'm not that kind of actress.
  • I know! It's crazy. I would never even in my wildest dreams thought of being nominated for an Oscar for the first movie. I thought it was going to be on cable, not on the movies, not in the theaters...you know it's just insane.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Catalina Sandino Moreno's body shape

Lets describe how Catalina Sandino Moreno looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.

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