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Annette Funicello

Annette Funicello's biography

Annette Funicello is 71 years old actor born at Utica. She was born on Thursday 22nd of October 1942. She is often nicknamed as Annie. According to year of birth 1942 she belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 22nd of October means she is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

She is native english speaker. She is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as film actor, singer, television actor, autobiographer. She is recently known as recording artist.

Annette Funicello's schools

We found 1 school She attended. Name of the school: Hollywood Professional School.

Annette Funicello's career

Her main focus is to be actor.

How did Annette Funicello die

She died on on Monday 8th of April 2013 when he was 71 years old at Bakersfield. Annette Funicellos death was caused by complications from multiple sclerosis. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Annette Funicello's Awards

  • She was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6834 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on September 14, 1993.

What Annette Funicello has done for a first time

  • When she was cast in her first beach movie, Walt Disney asked her to not wear a bikini and instead wear a one-piece swimsuit because she had an image to uphold. She agreed.
  • Annette still resided in her first house several miles from where she grew up. She had a collectible teddy bear business, a line of perfume and she started the Annette Funicello Fund for Neurological Disorders (2006).

Annette Funicello's quotes

  • The Disney studio wasn't like other studios. It was just like home - it always had a small-town, family atmosphere.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Annette Funicello's body shape

Lets describe how Annette Funicello looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.