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Ann Rutherford

Ann Rutherford's biography

Ann Rutherford is 95 years old television actor born at Vancouver. She was born on Friday 2nd of November 1917. According to year of birth 1917 she belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 2nd of November means she is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.She was married 2 times.

She is native english speaker. She is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be television actor. You can know her also as film actor. She is recently known as stage actor.

Ann Rutherford's family

Ann Rutherford's ex spouses

William Dozier

Ann Rutherford and William Dozier have been together since 1953 for 38 years. He is known as actor. Her ex spouse was born on Thursday 13th of February 1908 in Omaha. Her ex spouse died on Tuesday 23rd of April 1991 in Santa Monica. William Dozier was 74 years old, when this happened.

David May

Ann Rutherford and David May have been together.

Ann Rutherford's schools

We found 1 school She attended. Name of the school: Fairfax High School.

Ann Rutherford's career

Her main focus is to be television actor.

How did Ann Rutherford die

She died on on Monday 11th of June 2012 when he was 95 years old at Beverly Hills. Ann Rutherfords death was caused by heart failure. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Ann Rutherford's Awards

  • She was awarded 2 Stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Motion Pictures at 6834 Hollywood Boulevard; and for Television at 6331 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California.

What Ann Rutherford has done for a first time

  • Her first big break came after being contracted to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and was given the recurring role of girlfriend Polly Benedict in the "Andy Hardy" film series starring Mickey Rooney from 1937 to 1942.

Ann Rutherford's quotes

  • It's titillating to do an occasional film, but really, I don't need it. Oh, I suppose, if you were a Helen Hayes, it might mean something if you left the business. You'd be depriving the show world of something. I'm depriving that world of nothing.

Ann Rutherford's body shape

Lets describe how Ann Rutherford looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.