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Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried's biography

Amanda Michelle Seyfried is 37 years old actor born at Allentown. Amanda was born on Tuesday 3rd of December 1985. She is often nicknamed as Minge, Mandy. According to year of birth 1985 she belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 3rd of December means Amanda is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fiery sign of Zodiac Belt. These people are highly learned and love to gain knowledge throughout their life.

She is native english speaker. Amanda is white american. She is citizen of United States of America. Amanda is christian. Amanda´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know Amanda also as singer, television actor, film actor, singer-songwriter, model, composer. She is recently known as voice actor.

Amanda Seyfried's family

She has 1 son and 1 daughter

Amanda Seyfried's son: Thomas Seyfried-Sadoski

Amanda Seyfried's son's name is Thomas Seyfried-Sadoski. Amanda´s son was born on Monday 28th of September 2020 in Beverly Hills.

Amanda Seyfried's daughter: Nina Sadoski

Amanda Seyfried's daughter's name is Nina Sadoski. Her daughter was born on Friday 24th of March 2017.

Amanda Seyfried's schools

We found 2 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: Fordham University, William Allen High School.

Detailed informations about Amanda´s schools

  • Attended and graduated from William Allen High School in Allentown, Pennsylvania (2003).

Amanda Seyfried's career

Her main focus is to be actor and composing. Amanda is famous thanks to Karen Smith in Mean Girls and Sophie in Mamma Mia!.

Is Amanda Seyfried gay ?

Amanda is known to be straight.

Amanda Seyfried's boyfriends

Justin Long

Amanda Seyfried and Justin Long have been together since 2013 for 2 years. He is known as voice actor. Her boyfriend was born on Friday 2nd of June 1978 in Fairfield.

Thomas Sadoski

Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski have been together. He is known as actor. Amanda´s boyfriend was born on Thursday 1st of July 1976 in New Haven.

Awards and competitions

Amanda Seyfried's Rankings

  • Ranked #2 in Who magazine's "Most Beautiful People" in 2010.
  • Ranked #59 in the 2011 FHM Australia list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
  • Ranked #1 on People magazine's "25 Beauties (and Hotties) at 25" list in 2011.
  • Ranked #92 on Ask men's top 99 "most desirable" women on 2012 list.
  • Ranked #3 in Glamour magazine's "50 Most Glamorous Women of 2010" and was also named "The Most Down-to-Earth".
  • Ranked #17 in Glamour magazine's "30 Hottest and Sexiest Stars Under 30" (2010).
  • Ranked #4 in People magazine's Most Beautiful 2009 - Beautiful at Every Age.
  • Ranked #41 on Ask men's top 99 "most desirable" women of 2012 list.

Amanda Seyfried's Nominations

  • Amanda was nominated for European Film Award – People's Choice Award for Best European Film for work Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again in 2019

What else you don't know about Amanda Seyfried ?

Amanda´s middle name is Michelle. She likes to spend time in: New York, London.

What Amanda Seyfried has done for a first time

  • Was 8 months pregnant with her daughter, Nina Sadoski, when she completed filming on First Reformed (2017).
  • Is the second of the four main Mean Girls (2004) cast members to get married and have a baby; the first being Lacey Chabert.

Amanda Seyfried's quotes

  • I love low-rise, boot-cut, perfect fitting jeans.
  • I collect jeans. I don't care how expensive they are.
  • Jeans are just so sexy, there's something about them that turns me on, you know?
  • [on Mamma Mia! (2008)] I had never seen the stage show. When I first heard about the audition, I was like, "Damn, I'm not Greek!". I thought it was about this big Greek family.
  • I do feel like I've grown up. Living by yourself in two cities, having a relationship, the Hollywood stuff. It forces you to deal with things as an adult.
  • I just love to act and be on the set. I want to make acting my life and get really good roles.
  • I'm not really into clubbing, I like to go to parties after events, and those do end up at clubs or bars. But in my free time, I go grocery shopping or to the gym, or I talk on the phone.
  • At 11, I had a crush on Leonardo DiCaprio. Actually, it was not a crush. It was an obsession! I was also obsessed with Richard Dean Anderson, from MacGyver (1985) and Indiana Jones.
  • I have jeans with holes in them and I have nice jeans. I have casual and I have dressy jeans. I've got all kinds.
  • I've auditioned for roles that involved voice, but I don't like it. I feel like, "I can't do this in front of you". It seems so separate--I don't share it with a lot of people. And I'm not into public performances.
  • [on being in a polygamous marriage] I don't think I could share, no. I don't think I would trust. I want to be the most important thing in my husband's life. It's just weird. It's not natural.
  • It's really easy to avoid the tabloids. You just live your life and don't hang out with famous people who are in the tabloids. Don't do anything controversial and be a normal person. Have friends. And get a job and keep working.
  • People do judge you, and there are stupid rivalries. You have to wear the right things, because there are all these girls my age competing for the same roles. They're judging me and I'm judging them. I try not to be that way, but sometimes I am.
  • No matter what's happening in my life, I can always get lost in the romances of my characters.
  • [on her modeling career] I was naturally skinny and had braces, so I wasn't a cute model. I never felt pretty but it was fun, and I got a cool paycheck to buy sweets with.
  • [on her developing interest in taxidermy] I love animals and they're very easy to look after when they're dead. I recently decided I was going to start building a parliament of owls.
  • [on her childhood] I was super outgoing until I was around 10. I got a bit older and started getting shy. Way too shy.
  • [on her childhood] I felt so extremely ugly. When I look back, I was not ugly--I was cute, and had a gap in my teeth. But I wish I could have enjoyed that part of my life and be more confident.
  • I don't think men find me irresistible at all. I've got a filthy side and a romantic side--I like to keep them guessing.
  • [on full-frontal nudity] I'm pretty sure I would never do a full-frontal in a movie--for personal reasons, I wouldn't really want to show that.
  • [on mysterious men] Mystery is really sexy. Bad guys also tend to be really self-centered and very fearless--I don't know why, but that is sexy. It shouldn't be: it's disgusting.
  • I was made fun of at school for being pale and ugly. [2018]
  • [pressured to do nude scene early in her career] Being 19, walking around without my underwear on - like, are you kidding me? How did I let that happen? Oh, I know why: I was 19 and I didn't want to upset anybody, and I wanted to keep my job. That's why.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Amanda Seyfried's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Amanda Seyfried looks. We will focus on Amanda´s height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Amanda is tall as 5' 2½" (159 cm). Amanda weights 120lbs (54 kg). Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted blue. Her hair is shade of blonde.

Latest news about Amanda Seyfried

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