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Adam Savage

Adam Savage's biography

Adam Savage is 55 years old actor born at New York City. He was born on Saturday 15th of July 1967. According to year of birth 1967 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 15th of July means he is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. He is an adherent of atheism. His primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as television presenter, film producer, engineer, sculptor, teacher, artist, film actor. He is recently known as presenter.

Adam Savage's dad

Adam Savage's father's name is Whitney Lee Savage.

Adam Savage's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: New York University Tisch School of the Arts.

Adam Savage's career

His main focus is to be actor.

Adam Savage's quotes

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own.
  • I wouldn't say Jamie [Hyneman] is an evil genius. I'm not sure he's evil and I'm not sure he's a genius.
  • My dignity and good television - they'll never meet.
  • My advice is keep your lips away from the spinning things.
  • That's the show. It's like 4 minutes of science and then 10 minutes of me hurting myself.
  • [his reaction to being caught in a flash fire where he lost an eyebrow and some of his arm hair] Am I missing an eyebrow?
  • I am a champion of one notch above mediocrity.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Adam Savage's body shape

Lets describe how Adam Savage looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Adam Savage

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