Adam Lambert's biography
Adam Mitchel Lambert is 40 years old actor born at Indianapolis. He was born on Friday 29th of January 1982. He is often nicknamed as Glambert. According to year of birth 1982 he belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 29th of January means Adam is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.
He is native american english speaker. He is white american. He is citizen of United States of America. He is jewish. His primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as singer-songwriter, musician, singer, stage actor, lyricist. He is recently known as record producer.
Adam Lambert's schools
We found 1 school Adam attended. Name of the school: Mt. Carmel High School.
Detailed informations about his schools
He studied high school - Mesa Verde Middle School, Mt. Carmel High School, Deer Canyon Elementary.
Adam Lambert's career
Adam´s main focus is to be actor. Adam is famous thanks to American Idol Runner Up 2009.
Is Adam Lambert gay ?
He is known to be gay.
Adam Lambert's boyfriend
Sauli Koskinen
Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen have been together since 2010 for 3 years. He is known as television presenter. Adam´s boyfriend was born on Thursday 28th of March 1985 in Hyvinkää.
What else you don't know about Adam Lambert ?
His middle name is Mitchel.
What Adam Lambert has done for a first time
- He performed as part of the ensemble and served as a Fiyero understudy in the first national touring company and the LA production of Wicked.
Adam Lambert's quotes
- I'm proud of my sexuality. I embrace it. It's just another part of me.
- I'm trying to be a singer, not a civil rights leader.
- I'm like your boy next door who decided that he wanted to be a rebel one day. So.. I'm a nice rebel
- I wasn't popular in high school. I was the weird kid. So to all you weird kids out there - you can do it!
- [on talent shows like 'American Idol'] I'm Team Everything. I mean, really, I'm Team Give a Good Singer a Good Shot. The industry is so hard to break into, and these shows provide an incredible p.r. platform.
- [on Freddie Mercury] I love him just as much as you.
- It's an honor to be up there singing the songs that Freddie helped to write and make famous.
- Love overcomes hate. Love has no color. Love has no orientation. All is love.
- See also Other Works |Â Publicity Listings |Â Official Sites
Adam Lambert's height, body shape, eye color
Lets describe how Adam Lambert looks. We will focus on Adam´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. He is tall as 6' 1" (185 cm). Body build is average. His eyes are tinted blue. Adam´s hair is shade of dyed black.
Latest news about Adam Lambert
For the latest news - you can follow Adam Lambert on social networks.
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