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Wolf Albach-Retty

Wolf Albach-Retty's biography

Wolf Albach-Retty is 61 years old stage actor born at Vienna. He was born on Monday 28th of May 1906. According to year of birth 1906 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 28th of May means he is Gemini. Gemini is a dual sign of Zodiac Belt. One born with this rising sign is very dual and creative in nature with lots of verbosity. They are the most expressive people as they love talking.He was married 2 times.

He is citizen of Austria. His primary profession is to be stage actor. He is recently known as film actor.

Wolf Albach-Retty's mom

Wolf Albach-Retty's mother's name is Rosa Albach-Retty. She is known as stage actor. His mother was born on Saturday 26th of December 1874 in Hanau. Wolf Albach-Retty was born when she was 32 years old. His mother died on Tuesday 26th of August 1980 in Baden. Rosa Albach-Retty was 74 years old, when this happened.

Wolf Albach-Retty's family

Wolf Albach-Retty's ex spouses

Magda Schneider

Wolf Albach-Retty and Magda Schneider have been together since 1937 for 8 years. She is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Monday 17th of May 1909 in Augsburg. His ex spouse died on Tuesday 30th of July 1996 in Berchtesgaden. Magda Schneider was 90 years old, when this happened.

Trude Marlen

Wolf Albach-Retty and Trude Marlen have been together.

He has 1 daughter.

Wolf Albach-Retty's daughter: Romy Schneider

Wolf Albach-Retty's daughter's name is Romy Schneider. She is known as film actor. His daughter was born on Friday 23rd of September 1938 in Vienna. His daughter died on Saturday 29th of May 1982 in 7th arrondissement of Paris. Romy Schneider was 76 years old, when this happened.

Wolf Albach-Retty's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

Wolf Albach-Retty's career

His main focus is to be stage actor.

How did Wolf Albach-Retty die

He died on on Tuesday 21st of February 1967 when he was 61 years old at Vienna. Wolf Albach-Rettys death was caused by myocardial infarction. It happend like natural causes.

Wolf Albach-Retty's body shape

Lets describe how Wolf Albach-Retty looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.