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Vanessa Marcil

Vanessa Marcil's biography

Vanessa Marcil is 54 years old actor born at Indio. She was born on Tuesday 15th of October 1968. She is often nicknamed as V. According to year of birth 1968 she belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 15th of October means she is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.She was married 2 times.

She is native english speaker. She is citizen of United States of America. She is an adherent of judaism. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as television actor, film actor. She is recently known as stage actor.

Vanessa Marcil's family

Vanessa Marcil's ex husbands

Corey Feldman

Vanessa Marcil and Corey Feldman have been together since 1989 for 4 years. He is known as actor. Her ex husband was born on Friday 16th of July 1971 in Los Angeles.

Carmine Giovinazzo

Vanessa Marcil and Carmine Giovinazzo have been together since 2010 for 3 years. He is known as actor. Her ex husband was born on Friday 24th of August 1973 in Port Richmond.

Vanessa Marcil's schools

We found 1 school She attended. Name of the school: Indio High School.

Detailed informations about her schools

  • Attended Indio High School, Indio, California. Was part of the Circle Theatre Acting Company in Indio.
  • Attended College of the Desert, Palm Desert, California, where she studied law.

Vanessa Marcil's career

Her main focus is to be actor. You could see her also in General Hospital.

Is Vanessa Marcil gay ?

She is known to be heterosexuality.

Vanessa Marcil's boyfriends

Brian Austin Green

Vanessa Marcil and Brian Austin Green have been together since 1993 for 10 years. He is known as actor. Her boyfriend was born on Sunday 15th of July 1973.

Ben Younger

Vanessa Marcil and Ben Younger have been together less than a year in 2005. He is known as film director. Her boyfriend was born on Saturday 7th of October 1972 in New York City.

Awards and competitions

Vanessa Marcil's Awards

  • She received award for Soap Opera Digest Award for Hottest Female Star for work General Hospital in 1997

Vanessa Marcil's quotes

  • "Because of my crazy work schedule, I have become something of a master at changing my clothes while driving. The men driving next to me love it." - on driving to work while changing clothes.
  • "Acting probably saved my life. It gave me a home and a safe place to let out all of my emotions and have it be OK." - in having it be an outlet.
  • I don't know any woman who doesn't have an anxiety attack about wearing a bathing suit. I was on the show (General Hospital (1963)) for two years before they got me to wear a bathing suit and I almost had a heart attack the whole time.
  • I'm not ready to be a woman yet. I'd like it if my body were more boyish. Maybe I'll like my curves when I'm older but right now they kind of make me squirm.
  • What makes a woman beautiful is her loyalty to and her friendships with other women, and her honesty with men.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Vanessa Marcil's body shape

Lets describe how Vanessa Marcil looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.

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