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Susan Tyrrell

Susan Tyrrell's biography

Susan Jillian Creamer is 67 years old stage actor born at San Francisco. Susan was born on Sunday 18th of March 1945. She is often nicknamed as SuSu, Susan Jillian Creamer, Susan Tyrrell. According to year of birth 1945 she belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 18th of March means Susan is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.

She is white american. She is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be stage actor. You can know Susan also as television actor, film actor. She is recently known as voice actor.

Susan Tyrrell's career

Susan´s main focus is to be stage actor. She is famous thanks to Cry-Baby.

Is Susan Tyrrell gay ?

Susan is known to be straight.

How did Susan Tyrrell die

She died on on Saturday 16th of June 2012 when he was 67 years old at Austin. Susan Tyrrells death was caused by essential thrombocytosis.

Awards and competitions

Susan Tyrrell's Awards

  • Directed by four Academy Award winners: John Huston, Franklin J. Schaffner, Paul Sylbert, and Claude Lelouch.
  • Like Goldie Hawn and Karen Black, Tyrrell received her strongest accolades at the very start of her career. She was only 27-years-old when she received her first and only Academy Award nomination.

Susan Tyrrell's Nominations

  • Susan was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for work Fat City in 1972

What else you don't know about Susan Tyrrell ?

Her middle name is Jillian.

What Susan Tyrrell has done for a first time

  • Like Goldie Hawn and Karen Black, Tyrrell received her strongest accolades at the very start of her career. She was only 27-years-old when she received her first and only Academy Award nomination.

Susan Tyrrell's quotes

  • I only give line readings. I love line readings - they just all have to be buried. That's my style of acting. Buried line readings. Buried overacting.
  • The last thing my mother said to me was, 'SuSu, your life is a celebration of everything that is cheap and tawdry.' I've always liked that, and I've always tried to live up to it.
  • I've been here for my own pleasure. Strictly. I even found pleasure in displeasure. I would ride those seas and walk those planks. Arrrr.
  • [on being cast in oddball roles] I don't seek out these parts! I take these parts to pay the rent!
  • I don't like ingénue people and I don't like to see them in the movies. I like people with heart and soul, and character work is soul.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Susan Tyrrell's body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Susan Tyrrell looks. We will focus on Susan´s body shape, eye color and hair color. Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted blue. Susan´s hair is shade of blonde.

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