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Sarah Brightman

Sarah Brightman's biography

Sarah Brightman is 62 years old actor born at Berkhamsted. She was born on Sunday 14th of August 1960. She is often nicknamed as Angel of Music. According to year of birth 1960 she belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 14th of August means she is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

She is native british english speaker. She is citizen of United Kingdom. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as singer, dancer, singer-songwriter, opera singer, stage actor, film actor. She is recently known as recording artist.

Sarah Brightman's family

Sarah Brightman's ex spouse

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Sarah Brightman and Andrew Lloyd Webber have been together since 1984 for 6 years. He is known as screenwriter. Her ex spouse was born on Monday 22nd of March 1948 in Kensington.

Sarah Brightman's schools

We found 4 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: Tring Park School for the Performing Arts, Elmhurst Ballet School, Arts Educational School, Royal College of Music.

Detailed informations about her schools

  • Attended the same school as actor Nigel Havers.

Sarah Brightman's career

Her main focus is to be actor and composing. She is also a member of Gregorian. Maybe you are curious what instrument does she play ? She plays piano.

Awards and competitions

Sarah Brightman's Awards

  • She was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Live Theatre at 6243 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on October 6, 2022.

Sarah Brightman's quotes

  • In the past, I always used to be looking for answers. Today, I know there are only questions. So I just live.
  • My fans want me with my hair.
  • I live in a plane more or less.
  • Right before I go on stage I'm absolutely terrified. My mind darts at many directions but the center of me is going forward into the performance.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Sarah Brightman's body shape

Lets describe how Sarah Brightman looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Sarah Brightman

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