Roger Rees's biography
Roger Rees is 71 years old television actor born at Aberystwyth. He was born on Friday 5th of May 1944. According to year of birth 1944 he belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 5th of May means Roger is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.
Roger is white welsh. Roger is citizen of United Kingdom. Roger is jewish. His primary profession is to be television actor. You can know Roger also as film actor, stage actor. He is recently known as theatrical director.
Roger Rees's family
Roger Rees's ex husband
Rick Elice
Roger Rees and Rick Elice have been together since 2011 for 4 years. He is known as actor. Roger´s ex husband was born on Saturday 17th of November 1956 in New York City.
Roger Rees's schools
We found 1 school Roger attended. Name of the school: Slade School of Fine Art.
Detailed informations about his schools
- Started his career with the Royal Shakespeare Company and attended the Slade School of Fine Arts.
Roger Rees's career
Roger´s main focus is to be television actor. Roger is famous thanks to Star 80, Cheers.
Is Roger Rees gay ?
He is known to be gay.
How did Roger Rees die
Roger died on on Friday 10th of July 2015 when he was 71 years old. Roger Reess death was caused by brain cancer. It happend like natural causes.
Awards and competitions
Roger Rees's Awards
- The Olivier Award he won for The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" was for Actor of the Year in a New Play.
Roger Rees's quotes
- See also Other Works |Â Publicity Listings |Â Official Sites
Roger Rees's height, body shape, eye color
Lets describe how Roger Rees looks. We will focus on Roger´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Roger is tall as 5' 11¼" (181 cm). Body build is slim. Roger´s eyes are tinted brown - light. Roger´s hair is shade of brown - dark.