Rod Taylor's biography
Rodney Sturt Taylor is 85 years old stage actor born at Sydney. He was born on Saturday 11th of January 1930. According to year of birth 1930 Rod belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 11th of January means Rod is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.
Rod is white australian. Rod is citizen of Australia. His primary profession is to be stage actor. You can know Rod also as film actor, screenwriter, film producer, television actor. Rod is recently known as actor.
Rod Taylor's family
Rod has 1 daughter.
Rod Taylor's daughter: Felicia Taylor
Rod Taylor's daughter's name is Felicia Taylor. She is known as journalist. Rod´s daughter was born on Friday 28th of August 1964.
Rod Taylor's schools
We found 2 schools Rod attended. Complete list of schools: Parramatta High School, East Sydney Technical and Fine Arts College.
Detailed informations about his schools
- Attended East Sydney Art College.
Rod Taylor's career
Rod´s main focus is to be stage actor. He is famous thanks to his role as H.G. Wells in George Pal's 1960 film version of the H.G. Wells classic science fiction classic film The Time Machine.
Is Rod Taylor gay ?
Rod is known to be straight.
How did Rod Taylor die
Rod died on on Wednesday 7th of January 2015 when he was 85 years old at Los Angeles. Rod Taylors death was caused by heart attack. It happend like natural causes.
Rod Taylor's Donations
- In the early 1970s, he saved the Australian Opera (now Opera Australia) with a $250,000 donation.
Rod Taylor's quotes
- [on The Catered Affair (1956)] The Brooklyn accent I put on during the test so convinced the producers that I was from New York that they cast me as a Bronx boy. They didn't know I was just 18 months out of Australia until the movie was half finished.
- I'm about the only Australian in movies who doesn't pretend to be something else. Flynn pretended he was American, Finch pretends he's a Pommie, Merle Oberon says she was not born in Tasmania.
- I can fight, and I have, but so help me I haven't hit anybody in 20 years. Not rafts of girls any more, and no wives coming up or thought of. [Ex-]wives are at present costing me $60,000 a year. (1975)
- I make love to as many women [as] will let me. If a girl gives me half a chance, I'll bed her down, and that's the truth.
- When I arrived at LA airport, to be met by some Hollywood promoters, they were expecting some six foot, pretty guy. Instead they were shocked to see a five foot ten punk, with a broken nose.
Rod Taylor's height, weight, body shape, eye color
Lets describe how Rod Taylor looks. We will focus on Rod´s height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Rod is tall as 5' 11" (180 cm). He weights 175lbs (79 kg). Body build is athletic. His eyes are tinted blue. His hair is shade of brown - light.