Robert Taylor's biography
Spangler Arlington Brugh is -53 years old actor born at Filley, Nebraska. Robert Taylor was born on Friday 5th of August 2022. Robert Taylor is often nicknamed as The New King, Bob, Arly, The Man with the Perfect Profile. According to year of birth 2022 Robert Taylor belongs to Generation Alpha. Birthday on 5th of August means Robert Taylor is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.
Robert Taylor is white american.
Detailed informations about Robert´s schools
Robert Taylor studied high school - Beatrice High School.
Robert studied university - Doane College, Pomona College, Neely Dixon Dramatic School.
Robert Taylor's career
Robert´s main focus is to be actor. Robert is famous thanks to The Perfect Profile.
Is Robert Taylor gay ?
Robert is known to be straight.
How did Robert Taylor die
Robert Taylor died on on Sunday 8th of June 1969 when he was 53 years old. Robert Taylors death was caused by lung cancer.
Awards and competitions
Robert Taylor's Awards
- He narrated the award winning documentary The Fighting Lady about a warship.
Robert Taylor's Rankings
- Was ranked fourth in box-office appeal in 1936, third in 1937 and sixth in 1938.
Robert Taylor's Nominations
- Appears in three Oscar Best Picture nominees: Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935), Quo Vadis (1951) and Ivanhoe (1952).
What else you don't know about Robert Taylor ?
Robert Taylor's middle name is Arlington.
What Robert Taylor has done for a first time
- He was the first American actor to star in a film made in England, A Yank at Oxford (1938).
- Was given his first screen test by Samuel Goldwyn with a 14-day option in 1933, but nothing came of it.
Robert Taylor's quotes
- For 17 years it was Mr. Mayer [MGM studio chief Louis B. Mayer] who guided me, and I never turned down a picture that he personally asked me to do.
- I was this punk kid from Nebraska who had an awful lot of the world's good things tossed in his lap.
- I must confess that I objected strenuously to doing Song of Russia (1944) at the time it was made. I felt that it, to my way of thinking at least, did contain Communist propaganda.
- [about his role in Devil's Doorway (1950)] I admired the characterization because of the fact that the Indian, previously considered the "heavy" in early Westerns, is a regular guy. For once he gets a chance to tell his side of the story.
- A screen metamorphosis is more psychology than histrionics. The thing is to analyze the character you are playing and then the various stages of self-development become a logical outgrowth of that individual finding himself.
- [on Vivien Leigh] She was one of the most beautiful and talented ladies ever to grace a motion picture screen.
- Looks are good or bad, according to taste. My appearance doesn't fascinate me. But I'm not the one who has to be pleased, either. It's a big help to an actor if people like to look at him but it has nothing to do with acting.
- Working with Greta Garbo during the making of Camille (1936) was an inspiring experience I'll never forget and that, doubtless, will leave its mark.
- My metabolism doesn't lend itself to the [Bette Davis-James Cagney] brand of high-pressure careering. I stayed with one studio for 20 years, took what they gave me to do, did my work. While I wasn't happy with everything, I scored pretty well.
- If I didn't need the money I make on TV, I tell myself I'd hunt and fish all the time. Ernest Hemingway and Gary Cooper got me interested in it years ago, and looking forward to hunting and fishing has often, in this business, kept me from going nuts.
- The Middle East is going to get us into the third world war.
- However, any time any of the left-wing press or individuals belonging to the left wing or their fellow-traveler groups ridicule me, I take it as a compliment because I really enjoy their displeasure.
- Believe me, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. But a beautiful director, George Cukor, told me what to do. He acted it and I just copied him, and out came a good performance. You show me what to do and I'll do it.
- I'm not an actor. I don't know what I'm doing.
- [his last words] Art, I wish I would have quit sooner.
Robert Taylor's height, body shape, eye color
Lets describe how Robert Taylor looks. We will focus on Robert Taylor's height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Robert Taylor is tall as 5' 11" (180 cm). Body build is athletic. Robert Taylor's eyes are tinted blue. Robert´s hair is shade of black.