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Rick Yune

Rick Yune's biography

Rick Yune is 51 years old screenwriter born at Washington, D.C.. He was born on Sunday 22nd of August 1971. According to year of birth 1971 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 22nd of August means he is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be screenwriter. You can know him also as film producer, television actor, model, film actor. He is recently known as actor.

Rick Yune's schools

We found 3 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: The University of the Arts, The Wharton School, Our Lady of Good Counsel High School.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Graduated from Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia.

Rick Yune's career

His main focus is to be screenwriter.

What Rick Yune has done for a first time

  • He is of Korean descent, and prior to acting, was a Hedgefund Trader on Wall Street. During college worked as a Model and was the first Asian Model for Versace and Polo Sport. His campaigns were photographed by Bruce Weber.

Rick Yune's quotes

  • In a lot of ways, the make-up was the character.
  • Jaws was still a handsome, big guy. He got the girl. He was my favorite villain. I tried to make this guy endearing somewhat because all he wanted to do was unite his country.
  • To be here today is just beyond my wildest dreams.
  • This is the Bond of the new millennium. Everything is updated, from the action sequences to the interaction between the characters. All the elements reflect changes that have occurred in the world in recent years.
  • I believe our country has to do whatever we can do to protect ourselves-we're king of the hill. We need to protect democracy and the lives of those who live in the free world.
  • Part of my heritage being Korean, it's going to be interesting going to Korea and answering these questions dealing with North and South Korea.
  • That's when it really came together for me that I was in a Bond film, to have my own spy car!
  • History will tell where I stand in the ranks of Bond villains, I have no control over that.
  • When you have a background in combat sports, people think you're this martial arts expert, but really I'm just a guy who is able to do certain things without making a mess of himself.
  • Being an American is such a rich environment, because there's so many people from other countries and cultures, and through that you're able to see other people's experiences.
  • I was worried about being the nut that ruined 40 years of Bond history.
  • I can't understand why anyone would want nuclear warheads. If you shoot them off, it's not like you can take over that country-all you do is kill millions of people.
  • Since I was a kid I've wanted to be in a Bond movie.
  • It was tough to try to be serious in front of Halle Berry and Pierce Brosnan with all this stuff in my face. There's never been a character that's looked this extreme.
  • I was thinking about that, about what lines you'd be willing to cross if someone took your loved one or child.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Rick Yune's body shape

Lets describe how Rick Yune looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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