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Rachel Keller

Rachel Keller's biography

Rachel Rye Keller is 30 years old journalist born at St. Paul, Minnesota. Rachel was born on Friday 25th of December 1992. She is often nicknamed as Rachel Keller, Rachel Rye Keller. According to year of birth 1992 she belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 25th of December means she is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

Rachel is white american.

Detailed informations about Rachel´s schools

Rachel studied university - Carnegie Mellon University.

Rachel Keller's career

Rachel´s main focus is to be journalist. She is famous thanks to Hollidaysburg, Legion.

Is Rachel Keller gay ?

Rachel is known to be straight.

What else you don't know about Rachel Keller ?

Rachel´s middle name is Rye.

Rachel Keller's quotes

  • I was actually born in L.A. My sisters and I were playing in a parking lot, and my dad was like, 'Nah, nah, nah. Let's go give 'em some grass.'
  • I think acting, for me, is about play. It's about time, and it's about feeling, like there's a story to tell and I can tell it through my body and my voice.
  • I'm from Minnesota. I like to be barefoot, running through the woods.
  • I grew up with an abundance of things from our garden, so fried food was not enjoyable.
  • I don't think that when I'm acting I feel like I lose myself to it, but that sense of losing, that sense of discomfort, well, I guess maybe that comes a bit! It's about redefining what 'uncomfortable' means for you.
  • When I'm auditioning for something, if it's not me, I really hope the part doesn't go to me. You know what I mean? I don't want to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. If it's me, wonderful. If it's not me, there's space for all of us.
  • When I look at my body, I'm like, 'I'm a lead of a TV show?' To have a man in the business say, 'Come along just as you are,' is really an incredible thing.
  • It's like, you can know you want to live your life by being yourself, but how do you actually do that? That can be a whole lifelong journey.
  • You can't play having a mental disability. You have to play whatever that person's truth is without any judgment.
  • When I auditioned for 'Fargo,' there was something about it that I was hungry for because of how right it felt for me.
  • I was the 'no one understands me' teenager. But I think truly I've realized now that I didn't understand a thing myself. So I just had some livin' to do.
  • I want to do good stories, and I want to work with really interesting people. And if it's Noah Hawley forever, that's also amazing.
  • I want tragic and poetic forever! That's how I want to live every day.
  • When you're building a show from the ground up, there are no answers or wrong move, because there's no bible.
  • Young girls in particular aren't given a space to be messy and complicated and express themselves and experiment - they're told to be a little quieter and a little less than.
  • My parents were really loving, open people to be around. I don't remember them ever telling me this profession is difficult. There was never, 'Uhhh, what else are you interested in?' They were just, 'Great. Done. Go for it.'
  • I must've been a bird in some previous lifetime. I feel like I'm called to flying - the convenience and the beauty of it. That feeling of soaring would be empowering.
  • I had a really lovely childhood, but I wasn't the easiest kid to live with.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Rachel Keller's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Rachel Keller looks. We will focus on Rachel´s height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Rachel is tall as 5' 6" (168 cm). Rachel weights 136lbs (62 kg). Body build is slim. Rachel´s eyes are tinted blue. Her hair is shade of brown - light.