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Peter Hellemann

Peter Hellemann's biography

Peter Hellemann is 51 years old musician born on on Monday 19th of April 1971. According to year of birth 1971 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 19th of April means he is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

He is citizen of Denmark. His primary profession is to be musician. He is recently known as composer.

Peter Hellemann's family

Peter Hellemann's ex spouse

Anne Louise Hassing

Peter Hellemann and Anne Louise Hassing have been together since 2007 for 10 years. She is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Sunday 17th of September 1967 in Horsens.

Peter Hellemann's career

His main focus is to be musician.

Peter Hellemann's body shape

Lets describe how Peter Hellemann looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.