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Pete Wentz

Pete Wentz's biography

Pete Wentz is 43 years old musician born at Wilmette. He was born on Tuesday 5th of June 1979. He is often nicknamed as PetahPetePeteyPeter PanPistol PetePeterpandaPete! At The DiscoPeter PandaTampa Bay Tommy. According to year of birth 1979 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 5th of June means he is Gemini. Gemini is a dual sign of Zodiac Belt. One born with this rising sign is very dual and creative in nature with lots of verbosity. They are the most expressive people as they love talking.

He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be musician. You can know him also as lyricist, songwriter. He is recently known as bass guitarist.

Pete Wentz's family

Pete Wentz's ex spouse

Ashlee Simpson

Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson have been together. She is known as singer. His ex spouse was born on Wednesday 3rd of October 1984 in Waco.

Pete Wentz's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: DePaul University, North Shore Country Day School.

Pete Wentz's career

His main focus is to be musician. He focuses on rock music. He is also a member of Fall Out Boy. Maybe you are curious what instrument does he play ? He plays bass guitar.

What Pete Wentz has done for a first time

  • [May 2008] Is expecting his first child with wife Ashlee Simpson.
  • Pete and his longtime partner Megan Kemper welcomed their 2nd child first daughter Marvel Jane on Mothers day weekend.

Pete Wentz's quotes

  • If you know me you know how uncool I am. I stutter, wear bad clothes, make bad jokes, make conversation uncomfortable, the list goes on. Thank you for making me feel okay.
  • You can live with me in this house I've built out of writers blocks.
  • My parents treat me like I'm 14. They make me clean my room and stuff like that. They're always like "I don't care what MTV says you are.
  • See, there's the bands that you say you like to sound smart, and there's the bands you say you like to get laid. And then there's the bands you really listen to. -Rolling Stone Interview
  • We're sick of hearing people say "that band is so gay" or "those guys are fags". Gay is not a synonym for shitty. If you want to say something's shitty, say it's shitty. Stop being such homophobic assholes!
  • Underwear. It's like a god damned leash. It also constantly reminds me of how funny I look naked.
  • It's important for girls to understand that they don't need to just be coat hangers for boys. It's not all about being groupies.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Pete Wentz's body shape

Lets describe how Pete Wentz looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Pete Wentz

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