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Paul Levesque

Paul Levesque's biography

Paul Levesque is 53 years old professional wrestler born at Nashua. He was born on Sunday 27th of July 1969. He is often nicknamed as The GameTriple HThe Cerebral AssassinTerra RyzingThe King of KingsHunter Hearst Helmsley. According to year of birth 1969 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 27th of July means he is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be professional wrestler. You can know him also as actor, screenwriter, television actor, film actor. He is recently known as vice president.

Paul Levesque's family

Paul Levesque's spouse

She is known as professional wrestler. His spouse was born on Friday 24th of September 1976 in Hartford.

Paul Levesque's ex spouse

Paul Levesque's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Nashua High School South.

Paul Levesque's career

His main focus is to be professional wrestler.

Paul Levesque's partner


Paul Levesque and Chyna have been together since 1996 for 4 years. Chyna is known as television actor. His partner was born on Saturday 27th of December 1969 in Rochester. His partner died on Wednesday 20th of April 2016 in Redondo Beach. Chyna was 47 years old, when this happened.

What Paul Levesque has done for a first time

  • Won the first WWF special of "The Weakest Link" in 2001
  • He and wife Stephanie Levesque (née McMahon) are expecting their first child together, due in 2006.
  • Was defeated by Batista an unheard of third time at WWE Vengeance. The match was a Hell in a Cell match and it marked both the first time Batista had been in the structure and the first time Triple H lost a match in the cell. [June 2005]
  • First person to hold wrestling's revamped World's Heavyweight Championship [September 2002]
  • Expecting first child with wife, Stephanie McMahon-Levesque. [January 2006]
  • On March 25, 2022, Triple H appeared on First Take, and officially announced his retirement from the WWE due to a heart condition.

Paul Levesque's quotes

  • I am that damn good!
  • I am the Game!
  • (Making an apperance on The Rock's night of hosting SNL): "Well, what if he messes up one of his lines? He makes the WWF look bad. Can I run on stage and hit him for that?"
  • Hardcore wrestling like CZW is just nonsense. There's no story there. You've got guys jumping off of houses onto barb wired tables and that's it. They don't know how to work. CZW is trash.
  • Hollywood's great, but wrestling is my first love.
  • You know something, when you're as good as I am, you get used to people looking at you like that. You get used to jealous expressions coming your way. When you're that damn good, it's an everyday occurrence.
  • You know, if Chyna had a nipple for every time someone said she was the breast looking woman here, she'd be a millionaire. But I think we might have to change our name to Double-D Generation X!
  • [referring to Bret Hart refusing to forfeit the title at 1997 Survivor Series] if he doesn't want to do business? Then fuck him, you do business for him.
  • [on his in-ring retirement] I'm done, I would never wrestle again. First of all, I have a defibrillator in my chest so it's probably not a good idea for me to have to get zapped on live TV.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Paul Levesque's body shape

Lets describe how Paul Levesque looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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