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Orson Bean

Orson Bean's biography

Orson Bean is 92 years old autobiographer born at Burlington. He was born on Sunday 22nd of July 1928. According to year of birth 1928 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 22nd of July means he is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.He was married 3 times.

Orson Bean's spouse

He is married to Alley Mills

He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be autobiographer. You can know him also as stage actor, film actor, television actor. He is recently known as voice actor.

Orson Bean's mom

Orson Bean's mother's name is Marion Ainsworth Burrows.

Orson Bean's family

Orson Bean's spouse

She is known as television actor. His spouse was born on Wednesday 9th of May 1951 in Chicago.

Orson Bean's ex spouses

Carolyn Maxwell

Orson Bean and Carolyn Maxwell have been together since 1965 for 16 years.

Rain Winslow

Orson Bean and Rain Winslow have been together. She is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Sunday 12th of February 1933.

Orson Bean's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, HB Studio.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Graduated from Cambridge High & Latin School with fellow classmate Peggy Cass.

Orson Bean's career

His main focus is to be autobiographer. He is famous thanks to How to Be Very, Very Popular.

How did Orson Bean die

He died on on Friday 7th of February 2020 when he was 92 years old at Venice. Orson Beans death was caused by struck by car. It happend like accident.

Awards and competitions

Orson Bean's Awards

  • Was nominated for Broadway's 1962 Tony Award as Best Supporting or Featured Actor (Musical) for "Subways Are for Sleeping."

Orson Bean's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Play for work Subways Are For Sleeping in 1962
  • He was nominated for Grammy Award for Best Children's Album for work Hobbit in 1979
  • He was nominated for Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture for work Being John Malkovich in 2000

What Orson Bean has done for a first time

  • First cousin, twice removed, of Calvin Coolidge, through the President's maternal grandparents Hiram Dunlap Moor and Abigail Pinney Franklin.
  • Founder and first director of the experimental Fifteenth Street School in New York, New York, which only existed for a few years, closing in 1975. It was modeled after A.S. Neill's Summerhill School in England.

Orson Bean's quotes

  • The trap is man's armored character structure and there's only one way out of it. It's not drugs and it's not religion and it's not politics. It's going back to the old apple tree and trying to do better than Adam and Eve did.
  • [on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962), 2/56/76, about his pierced left ear] What the hell? I think, you know, if a pirate can wear an earring, why can't I wear an earring? Why should we be the only male of a species that isn't into adornment?
  • [on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962), 5/25/78, about his pierced left ear] I say it's for purposes of self-adornment. That's all. And, you know, we are the only species in life where the male is less grand than the female.
  • [referring to one of the world's deadliest snakes] The Gabon Viper, so named because it bites you on the gabon.
  • In the days of "Hey, hey! LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?", that's nothing compared to the vitriol of today. So people basically shut up. at least until they get into the ballot box. That's why you can't trust the polls.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Orson Bean's body shape

Lets describe how Orson Bean looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.