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Nancy Barbato Sinatra

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's biography

Nancy Barbato Sinatra is 101 years old unknown value born at Jersey City. She was born on Sunday 25th of March 1917. According to year of birth 1917 she belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 25th of March means she is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

She is native american english speaker. She is citizen of United States of America.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's family

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's ex spouse

Frank Sinatra

Nancy Barbato Sinatra and Frank Sinatra have been together since 1939 for 12 years. Frank is known as television actor. Her ex spouse was born on Sunday 12th of December 1915 in Hoboken. Her ex spouse died on Thursday 14th of May 1998 in Los Angeles. Frank Sinatra was 81 years old, when this happened.

She has 1 son and 2 daughters

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's son: Frank Sinatra Jr.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's son's name is Frank Sinatra Jr.. He is known as musician. Her son was born on Monday 10th of January 1944 in Jersey City. Her son died on Wednesday 16th of March 2016 in Daytona Beach. Frank Sinatra Jr. was 99 years old, when this happened.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's daughter: Nancy Sinatra

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's daughter's name is Nancy Sinatra. She is known as singer. Her daughter was born on Saturday 8th of June 1940 in Jersey City.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's daughter: Tina Sinatra

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's daughter's name is Tina Sinatra. She is known as singer. Her daughter was born on Sunday 20th of June 1948 in United States of America.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's career

Her main focus is to be unknown value.

How did Nancy Barbato Sinatra die

She died on on Friday 13th of July 2018 when he was 101 years old at Beverly Hills. Nancy Barbato Sinatras death was caused by unknown value. It happend like unknown value.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra's body shape

Lets describe how Nancy Barbato Sinatra looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.