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Michael G. Wilson

Michael G. Wilson's biography

Michael G. Wilson is 80 years old screenwriter born at New York City. He was born on Wednesday 21st of January 1942. According to year of birth 1942 he belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 21st of January means he is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be screenwriter. You can know him also as film producer, writer. He is recently known as actor.

Michael G. Wilson's dad

Michael G. Wilson's father's name is Lewis Wilson. He is known as actor. His father was born on Wednesday 28th of January 1920 in New York City. His father died on Wednesday 9th of August 2000 in San Francisco. Lewis Wilson was 58 years old, when this happened.

Michael G. Wilson's family

He has 1 son.

Michael G. Wilson's son: David G. Wilson

Michael G. Wilson's son's name is David G. Wilson. He is known as film producer.

Michael G. Wilson's schools

We found 3 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Harvey Mudd College, Stanford University, Villanova Preparatory School.

Michael G. Wilson's career

His main focus is to be screenwriter.

Michael G. Wilson's body shape

Lets describe how Michael G. Wilson looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.