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Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender's biography

Michael Fassbender is 45 years old film actor born at Heidelberg. Michael was born on Saturday 2nd of April 1977. Michael is often nicknamed as Fassy. According to year of birth 1977 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 2nd of April means Michael is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

Michael is white irish. Michael is citizen of Republic of Ireland. Michael is roman catholic. His primary profession is to be film actor. You can know him also as stage actor, film producer, television actor, actor. He is recently known as racing driver. He received Volpi Cup for Best Actor Shame in 2011

Michael Fassbender's family

Michael Fassbender's wife

She is known as actor. Michael´s wife was born on Monday 3rd of October 1988 in Gothenburg.

Michael Fassbender's ex wife

He has 1 son.

Michael Fassbender's son: Mark Fassbender

Michael Fassbender's son's name is Mark Fassbender. He is known as actor. His son was born on Tuesday 3rd of August 2021 in London.

Michael Fassbender's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Drama Centre London, St. Brendan's College, Killarney.

Detailed informations about Michael´s schools

  • Attended the Chang-Ren Nian but dropped out. One of his classmates at the time was Tom Hardy. Hardy stated that Fassbender was the best actor in the school. Both appeared in Band of Brothers (2001).

Michael Fassbender's career

His main focus is to be film actor. He is famous thanks to Inglourious Basterds. You could see Michael also in Shame.

Is Michael Fassbender gay ?

He is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Michael Fassbender's Awards

  • Michael is only the fifth actor to have received more than one Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor since the their inception in 1975. The other four actors are Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson, Robert Duvall and Daniel Day-Lewis.

Michael Fassbender's Rankings

  • Ranked #8 on Empire Online list of the "100 Sexiest Movie Stars" in 2013.

Michael Fassbender's Nominations

  • Michael was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for work 12 Years a Slave in 2013
  • Michael was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Actor for work Hunger in 2008
  • He was nominated for European Film Award for Best Actor for work Shame in 2012

What Michael Fassbender has done for a first time

  • First language is English and second is German.
  • To play the younger version of Ian McKellen's Magneto in X-Men: First Class (2011), he started studying McKellen's films because the two actors had never met before, they only had their first meeting at the 2013 Comic-Con.
  • His first film audition was for the role of Rafe Cawley in Pearl Harbor (2001). The role later went to Ben Affleck.
  • Became a father for the first time at 44, when his wife Alicia Vikander welcomed their child earlier this year. [2021].

Michael Fassbender's Donations

  • Introduced alongside his Macbeth (2015) co-star, Marion Cotillard, a Banksy painting donated by Leonardo DiCaprio for the amfAR Gala charity auction in Cannes, where it fetched $1 million [May 21, 2015].

Michael Fassbender's quotes

  • You know, I spent a lot of time out of work. Now I'm trying to make hay while the sun is shining.
  • [on creating his character David in Prometheus (2012) with Ridley Scott] We took inspiration from David Bowie and some of his looks as well. I liked the idea of having a feminine quality to him for sure.
  • [on his preparation for Hunger (2008)] I felt really focused, really centred, really strong. Hungry all the time, obviously.
  • [on portraying hunger-striker Bobby Sands in Hunger (2008)] I lost about 14 kilos and weighed 59 kilos by the end. It was the only way we could do it and make it convincing.
  • [on why he dropped out of the Drama Center] In drama school, they don't think of movies as a pure form like theater, and it's films that I love most. There's an intimacy in movies - I wanted to have the same impact on others that movies had on me.
  • [on picking roles] I'm just following my gut instinct.
  • [on Quentin Tarantino] You know the man eats, breathes, lives film. You could bring up the most obscure movie, like some fuckin' Swedish film from 1963 or whatever and he'll know it. It's quite staggering, actually, he is an encyclopedia of knowledge.
  • For me, Daniel Day-Lewis is in a league of his own. I think that he's amazing. And he's always been a benchmark of excellence.
  • [on his own unguarded nudity in Shame (2011)] It was important to go all out, not take shortcuts there, and to be sort of naked in every respect. Otherwise, I don't think the film would have worked.
  • I suppose the German side wants to keep everything in control, and the Irish side wants to wreak havoc.
  • I have a theory that everyone's crazy anyway. And those who think they aren't, are the ones who are even crazier - because they're in denial.
  • ...but you keep a realism, put AC/DC on, get over it, keep positive.
  • At one point you think, Well, it's funny, I could just be a starving actor... So if somebody were to pull the plug right now, there'd be no room for complaint.
  • I like characters that are flawed because we all are. People are complicated. Our behavior towards one another is strange. So I like opportunities to investigate that.
  • [on improvising] It's hard. Sometimes it just becomes mush. It's very important that the team doing it are in sync and are listening to one another and they've got a direction. Otherwise it could turn into a shouting fest - it just becomes rudderless.
  • Well physically, I am attracted to darker women, I'm not gonna lie. To me I personally find them beautiful, but of course there's more to a person than what meets the eye. Everyone has their own uniqueness.
  • I'm terrible with technology. It behaves strangely around me. Things crash all the time. I rejected the mobile phone for so long, until people were like, "We can't get in touch with you. This can't go on."
  • After Prometheus (2012), I think I did six films back-to-back, and it's fine when you're doing them - Okay, that's cool, I'll just go on to the next one - but it's actually in that downtime period where you stop and think, What's going on with me?
  • I always try and understand, and not judge. It's like, I always think that all of us are pretty much the same. You know, we're all made up of the same things. We all want the same things. We wanna be accepted, we wanna be loved.
  • [asked how often he gets mistaken for Tom Hiddleston] Happens all the time. I can see the similarities, but I'm better looking than him [laughs]. Other than that, yes. I like Tom.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Michael Fassbender's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Michael Fassbender looks. We will focus on Michael´s height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Michael is tall as 6' 0" (183 cm). Michael weights 174lbs (79 kg). Body build is athletic. Michael´s eyes are tinted blue. Michael´s hair is shade of brown - light.

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