Maurice Costello's biography
Maurice Costello is 73 years old film director born at Pittsburgh. He was born on Thursday 22nd of February 1877. According to year of birth 1877 he belongs to . Birthday on 22nd of February means he is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.
He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be film director. You can know him also as screenwriter, stage actor. He is recently known as film actor.
Maurice Costello's family
Maurice Costello's ex spouse
Mae Costello
Maurice Costello and Mae Costello have been together since 1902 for 25 years. She is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Sunday 13th of August 1882 in Brooklyn. His ex spouse died on Friday 2nd of August 1929 in Los Angeles. Mae Costello was 52 years old, when this happened.
He has 2 daughters.
Maurice Costello's daughter: Dolores Costello
Maurice Costello's daughter's name is Dolores Costello. She is known as actor. His daughter was born on Thursday 17th of September 1903 in Pittsburgh. His daughter died on Thursday 1st of March 1979 in Fallbrook. Dolores Costello was 102 years old, when this happened.
Maurice Costello's daughter: Helene Costello
Maurice Costello's daughter's name is Helene Costello. She is known as actor. His daughter was born on Thursday 21st of June 1906 in New York City. His daughter died on Saturday 26th of January 1957 in San Bernardino. Helene Costello was 80 years old, when this happened.
Maurice Costello's career
His main focus is to be film director.
How did Maurice Costello die
He died on on Sunday 29th of October 1950 when he was 73 years old at Hollywood.
Maurice Costello's body shape
Lets describe how Maurice Costello looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.