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Martin Kove

Martin Kove's biography

Martin Kove is 76 years old actor born at Brooklyn, New York, USA. Martin was born on Wednesday 6th of March 1946. Martin is often nicknamed as Marty. According to year of birth 1946 he belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 6th of March means Martin is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.

He is native english speaker. Martin is white american. He is citizen of United States of America. He is jewish. Martin´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know Martin also as film actor, television actor, karateka. Martin is recently known as film producer.

Martin Kove's family

He has 1 son.

Martin Kove's son: Jesse Kove

Martin Kove's son's name is Jesse Kove. He is known as actor. Martin´s son was born on Friday 2nd of November 1990 in Los Angeles.

Martin Kove's schools

We found 1 school Martin attended. Name of the school: Valley Stream Central High School.

Martin Kove's career

His main focus is to be actor. He is famous thanks to The Karate Kid.

Is Martin Kove gay ?

Martin is known to be straight.

What Martin Kove has done for a first time

  • Played a racer in competition with a non-famous Sylvester Stallone in Death Race 2000 and later played antagonist to an extremely famous Sly in Rambo (First Blood II).
  • Mainly played tough macho braggarts ranging from The Karate Kid franchise and before that White Line Fever to Death Wish 2000 and then First Blood II: Rambo as well as the TV series Cagney & Lacey.

Martin Kove's quotes

  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Martin Kove's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Martin Kove looks. We will focus on Martin´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Martin is tall as 6' 1" (185 cm). Body build is athletic. His eyes are tinted blue. His hair is shade of blonde.