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Marla Gibbs

Marla Gibbs's biography

Margaret Theresa Bradley is 91 years old singer-songwriter born at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County. She was born on Sunday 14th of June 1931. Marla is often nicknamed as Marla Gibbs. According to year of birth 1931 she belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 14th of June means Marla is Gemini. Gemini is a dual sign of Zodiac Belt. One born with this rising sign is very dual and creative in nature with lots of verbosity. They are the most expressive people as they love talking.

She is multiracial american. Marla is citizen of United States of America. Marla is christian. Her primary profession is to be singer-songwriter. You can know Marla also as film producer, composer, musician, singer, stage actor, television actor, screenwriter, film actor, voice actor. She is recently known as television producer. She received NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series The Jeffersons in 1984

Marla Gibbs's schools

We found 1 school Marla attended. Name of the school: Wendell Phillips Academy High School.

Detailed informations about Marla´s schools

  • Graduated from Wendell Phillips High School in Chicago, Illinois, in 1949.
  • Attended the defunct Cortez W. Peters Business School in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Attended Northern High School in Detroit, Michigan.

Marla Gibbs's career

Her main focus is to be singer-songwriter and composing. She is famous thanks to her roles as Florence Johnston in the CBS sitcom The Jeffersons and Mary Jenkins in the NBC sitcom 227.

Is Marla Gibbs gay ?

Marla is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Marla Gibbs's Awards

  • Was honored at the Gospel Goes to Hollywood Awards [22 February 2013].
  • Has presented Phylicia Rashad, a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center in Los Angeles, California [17 February 2011].
  • Had received the Lifetime Achievement Award, on stage at the Luxury Gala [9 February 2020].

What Marla Gibbs has done for a first time

  • Was reunited with ex-227 (1985) co-star, Jackée Harry, to have a recurring role in the sitcom The First Family (2012).
  • Was reunited with both ex-227 (1985) co-stars, Hal Williams and Jackée Harry, on an episode of The First Family (2012).

Marla Gibbs's quotes

  • When you're the head of the show, you really have to take care of the other actors, and you really have to do what the producers want, what the network wants, and it was fun for me, because I learned a lot getting an opportunity to do those things.
  • Nothing is out of our realm, because it has nothing to do with color. As Black people, we're not different from anyone else, other than the exterior.
  • [In 1985]: As soon as I finish one thing, there's always something else on the horizon I want to do. I don't have any intention of retiring from anything.
  • [In 1989]: People come up to me all the time, little kids run up to me and identify me for their parents. I say, 'George Jefferson sent you, right?' If I'm going to my car, they walk me to my car, I always keep autographed pictures to hand out, too.
  • [on Jackée Harry]: She is hysterically funny. As a matter of fact, she would say some things that were so outrageous or she would do something and she would have to stop and laugh herself and it would break me up, so we'd have to stop and go again.
  • [on her character Florence Johnston]: Florence was the person who was not going to take no bull from anybody, no matter how little money she made. Just because you don't have a lot of money does not mean you have to let people walk over you.
  • [on becoming a producer in her own right, prior to becoming an actress]: My role is being part of the decisions made. They feel that I have the focus and that I know what project is. I am part of all the note sessions. But we all have input - not just me.
  • [on whom she stressed the importance of jazz in the United States]: Jazz, of course, is our heritage. Jazz is a culture, it's not a fad. It's up to us to see to it that it stays alive.
  • They stopped issuing unlimited passes to the employees. Now you have to go space available and you get bumped, honey. When I get on a plane these days, I go first class.
  • [on Regina King]: Regina knows when we're on the set that I'm her mama. If she does something wrong, I'm going to slap her one.
  • Florence represents the masses and represents what working people feel in subservient roles ... Just because a person is working doesn't make him less of a person. I say what they would like to say to their bosses.
  • [Who said blacks must take the initiative in the neighborhood's further development]: When someone else comes in, it's going to be redeveloped for their purposes, not for yours, because it's their money.
  • [on her father, Bradley Kemp]: He was just wonderful, but it wasn't the same without a mother. I grew up weird-very sensitive and highly inhibited. I felt like I was born in the wrong time zone to the wrong people at the wrong place.
  • [on the death of The Jeffersons (1975), series' lead, Isabel Sanford, in 2004]: Isabel was our queen and that's what we called her on the show. She would come in and just light up the room and start telling stories and having everybody in stitches.
  • [on the death of 227 (1985), co-star, Alaina Reed-Hall in 2009]: She was just a wonderful friend. She will be sorely missed; she fought the good fight.
  • When I saw people looting. I, like everybody else, said, 'It's like a bunch of mad dogs.'
  • [In 2009]: That massage was one of the best parts of the trip.
  • [In 1988]: When you're busy doing, you don't have time to talk. You don't have time to say, 'I can't.' You've got to answer the next phone call!
  • [on her stroke and aneurysm in 2006]: I had a small aneurysm and a stroke as a result of the surgery. Fortunately, I can walk and talk and do all those things. God has been really good to me.
  • [In 1992]: I said, 'Don't let your child see you stealing.' And she said, 'I have enough dignity left to appreciate what you're saying, but I ain't got no food. We ain't got nothing.' I had to stop and think about that.
  • [In 2010]: You can't ad-lib, because the camera needs to know what you're going to say, so that they can be there, you will be talking and you will be on-camera.
  • [If she and the rest of her 227 (1985) would like to see their own characters differently]: On the show, we like to see done differently, and some we're just fine. But then, it's always something.
  • [If she needed to go back to The Jeffersons (1975), just in case if Checking In (1981) was not a ratings winner, fortunately, she did]: I have in my contract that if anything goes wrong, I will be back. I made sure of that.
  • [In 1986]: I fell in love with my children as they got older. As they got older, I related to them more and they related to me.
  • [on the death of Sherman Hemsley]: Sherman was one of the most generous co-stars I have ever worked with. He happily set me up so that I could slam him, and I did the same for him. I shall miss him deeply.
  • [after the death of Sherman Hemsley in 2012] Just working with him is a joy. Only he could do the walk that he does, and only he could bring the humor that he brought.
  • [In 2015]: I would describe myself as sensitive, caring and considerate when it comes to other people's feelings, so I can't be like all the sassy characters in real life unless the script calls for it.
  • You know, you can't please all the people all the time.
  • [In 2016]: If you only stretch one leg, you can't go very far. You've got to take both legs with you.
  • If you hold your hand closed nothing can get out, but nothing can get in.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Marla Gibbs's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Marla Gibbs looks. We will focus on her height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Marla is tall as 5' 8" (173 cm). Marla weights 130lbs (59 kg). Body build is average. Her eyes are tinted brown - dark. Marla´s hair is shade of brown - dark.