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Lorenzo Lamas

Lorenzo Lamas's biography

Lorenzo y de Santos Lamas is 64 years old aircraft pilot born at Santa Monica. He was born on Monday 20th of January 1958. According to year of birth 1958 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 20th of January means Lorenzo is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.Lorenzo was married 5 times.

Lorenzo is white american. He is citizen of United States of America. Lorenzo´s primary profession is to be aircraft pilot. You can know him also as television actor, racing automobile driver, taekwondo athlete, film actor, film producer, model. Lorenzo is recently known as film director.

Lorenzo Lamas's dad

Lorenzo Lamas's father's name is Fernando Lamas. He is known as screenwriter. His father was born on Saturday 9th of January 1915 in Buenos Aires. His father died on Friday 8th of October 1982 in Los Angeles. Fernando Lamas was 24 years old, when this happened.

Lorenzo Lamas's mom

Lorenzo Lamas's mother's name is Arlene Dahl. Arlene is known as stage actor. His mother was born on Tuesday 11th of August 1925 in Minneapolis. Lorenzo Lamas was born when Arlene was 33 years old. Lorenzo´s mother died on Monday 29th of November 2021 in Manhattan. Arlene Dahl was 63 years old, when this happened.

Lorenzo Lamas's family

Lorenzo Lamas's ex wifes

Kathleen Kinmont

Lorenzo Lamas and Kathleen Kinmont have been together since 1989 for 4 years. Kathleen is known as blogger. His ex wife was born on Wednesday 3rd of February 1965 in Los Angeles.

Shauna Sand

Lorenzo Lamas and Shauna Sand have been together since 1996 for 6 years. She is known as model. Lorenzo´s ex wife was born on Thursday 2nd of September 1971.

Shawna Craig

Lorenzo Lamas and Shawna Craig have been together since 2011 for 7 years. His ex wife was born on Thursday 26th of June 1986.

Victoria Hilbert

Lorenzo Lamas and Victoria Hilbert have been together since 1981 for a year.

Michele Cathy Smith

Lorenzo Lamas and Michele Cathy Smith have been together since 1983 for 2 years. Lorenzo´s ex wife died on Monday 1st of January 2018. Michele Cathy Smith was 60 years old, when this happened.

Lorenzo has 1 son and 1 daughter

Lorenzo Lamas's son: A.J. Lamas

Lorenzo Lamas's son's name is A.J. Lamas. He is known as television actor. Lorenzo´s son was born on Monday 19th of December 1983 in Los Angeles County.

Lorenzo Lamas's daughter: Shayne Lamas

Lorenzo Lamas's daughter's name is Shayne Lamas. She is known as television actor. Lorenzo´s daughter was born on Wednesday 6th of November 1985 in Malibu.

Lorenzo Lamas's schools

We found 1 school Lorenzo attended. Name of the school: Admiral Farragut Academy.

Detailed informations about his schools

Lorenzo studied high school - Admiral Farragut Academy in 1975..

He studied university - Santa Monica College.

Lorenzo Lamas's career

His main focus is to be aircraft pilot. Lorenzo is famous thanks to Falcon Crest, Renegade, The Bold and The Beautiful.

Is Lorenzo Lamas gay ?

Lorenzo is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Lorenzo Lamas's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actor for work Body Rock in 1985

Lorenzo Lamas's quotes

  • My mission in life was to make sure that there were no women walking around who didn't know me personally.
  • [on attending military school]: When I was there, I hated it. It's funny though, because the only things that are going to set you apart are your mind, spirit and achievements in each of our environments.
  • [on former B&B co-star Lesli Kay]: She's such a good mother and she's so committed to her marriage, her kids and her work. She's a terrific gal.
  • I grew up with a man who had a voice like Dracula and every other bigger-than-life character you could ever think of in my father. I take a little bit from him to do the accent. I've also done four movies in Bulgaria.
  • [on the death of Jane Wyman]: Next to my parents, Jane was the most influential person in my young career. She has left an incredible body of work and accomplishments that cannot go without being recognized and celebrated. I will miss her greatly.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Lorenzo Lamas's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Lorenzo Lamas looks. We will focus on his height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. He is tall as 6' 2" (188 cm). Lorenzo weights 180lbs (82 kg). Body build is bodybuilder. His eyes are tinted brown - light. Lorenzo´s hair is shade of brown - dark.

Latest news about Lorenzo Lamas

For the latest news - you can follow Lorenzo Lamas on social networks.