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Kimberley Nixon

Kimberley Nixon's biography

Kimberley Nixon is 37 years old actor born at Bristol. She was born on Tuesday 24th of September 1985. Kimberley is often nicknamed as Kim, Kimbo, Kimberley Nixon. According to year of birth 1985 Kimberley belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 24th of September means she is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

Kimberley is white british. Kimberley is citizen of United Kingdom. Kimberley´s primary profession is to be actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Kimberley Nixon's schools

We found 1 school Kimberley attended. Name of the school: Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama.

Detailed informations about Kimberley´s schools

Kimberley studied university - Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama.

Kimberley Nixon's career

Kimberley´s main focus is to be actor. She is famous thanks to her roles as Sophy Hutton in the BBC One period drama Cranford, Josie Jones in the Channel 4 comedy-drama Fresh Meat and Sarah Pearson in the BBC Two comedy Hebburn.

Is Kimberley Nixon gay ?

She is known to be straight.

Kimberley Nixon's quotes

  • Sometimes when you film, you can be in a bit of a bubble, and then suddenly when you finish filming, it's taken out of your hands - it's not yours anymore, and we all love it so much that we feel quite protective of it.
  • I love meeting up with friends and just doing 'normal' stuff like going to the cinema.
  • My character in Fresh Meat (2011) is quite prim and tidy, and then I basically had no make-up for the whole shoot of Kidnap and Ransom (2011) - apart from a bit of Vaseline to make me look even sweatier!
  • A lot of my background is in theatre, so when you're on location, and the wind is really blowing, it's raining, and you've got mud all over you, it really keeps you on your toes.
  • I absolutely adore Agatha Christie; so much so that when I received a kitten for my Christmas present, I called her Agatha, and I already have a cat called Hercule!
  • I always think my face is quite nondescript - it sort of fits in to any period. It's not really distinct enough for you to remember me from something.
  • By the time you're 18, 19, you know yourself, and you shouldn't go against your gut feeling, which is a temptation in the first year of university.
  • If something doesn't work in my house - TV, phone, stereo, anything - I just call my dad, and he knows the answer.
  • I have a PC because I don't know how to use a Mac. Actors always have Macs with them, and when I try to use someone else's, I can't get the hang of it. It's very strange; I don't like it.
  • I'm a tomboy and quite clumsy, so I'm more like the anti-sexy icon.
  • Fresh Meat (2011) is the first comedy thing I've ever done.
  • Have I met Justin Timberlake? I have! I've been to his house.
  • I'm quite contradictory - a bit OCD, but quite untidy. I have piles of stuff everywhere, but they make sense to me. And I'll find the one thing in the room that's my boyfriend's, and complain about him leaving it out.
  • I buy DVDs almost every week. I'm more of a film buff, so I usually buy more DVDs than CDs, but if I like someone's album, I will buy the CD of it.
  • Whenever I'm in L.A, I see Jessica Biel.
  • Because of the fact I look a lot younger than I really am, I think, I end up getting these girl-next-door roles. I mean, I'm not a Gemma Arterton type as far as I can tell.
  • I live in Wales but spend quite a lot of time in London - I stay with my brother. When I get home after being in Manchester or London for a bit, I forget how dark the sky is, and I won't have seen stars for ages.
  • I'm very impatient, and if I get a new piece of technology, no matter what it is - I recently got the iPhone, which is very exciting - I can't be doing with reading manuals. I want it to work immediately and to do what I want it to do.
  • I've got six brothers, so I grew up with all boys, then I moved in with three girls, and the differences were incredible. Living in a very feminine house threw me a bit. The bathroom was unbelievable; it was like a chemist's.
  • I think I'd like my own plane, stacked with all my favorite films.
  • I'm the first actress in the family, but when I'm home, I'm just Kimberley.
  • I hadn't done comedy before Fresh Meat (2011) - I hadn't really been seen that way, and then "Fresh Meat" came out, and suddenly a lot more comedy scripts were coming my way, which was really great.
  • When I first started out, I absolutely begged my agent to get me a Poirot audition, and my wish came true - I did a Poirot! I need to do a Marple to round it off.
  • I get mistaken for Amanda Holden; I've had that since I was 12. I get Carey Mulligan, too. We look quite similar, and she does Bleak House (2005) and I do Cranford (2007) so people mix us up. I'm sure we'll play sisters at some point.
  • I had always sort of done dramatic things, and I love them; it's my background. But when I think about Fresh Meat (2011), I just think about the cast and the crew that we had... we just had a great time.
  • Growing up, we used to watch a lot of 'Indiana Jones' and 'Star Wars' and wear hand-me-down jeans and jumpers. I wasn't really one for dresses.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Kimberley Nixon's height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color

Lets describe how Kimberley Nixon looks. We will focus on her height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color and shoe size. Kimberley is tall as 5' 5" (165 cm). She weights 130lbs (59 kg). Body build is average. Kimberley´s eyes are tinted brown - dark. Kimberley´s hair is shade of blonde. If you are really curious, you may find interesting Kimberley´s shoe size is 8.5.

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