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John Mahoney

John Mahoney's biography

John Mahoney is 78 years old actor born at Blackpool. He was born on Thursday 20th of June 1940. According to year of birth 1940 he belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 20th of June means he is Gemini. Gemini is a dual sign of Zodiac Belt. One born with this rising sign is very dual and creative in nature with lots of verbosity. They are the most expressive people as they love talking.

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United Kingdom. His primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as singer, voice actor, comedian, television actor, film actor. He is recently known as stage actor.

John Mahoney's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: St Mary's Catholic Academy, Quincy University.

John Mahoney's career

His main focus is to be actor.

How did John Mahoney die

He died on on Sunday 4th of February 2018 when he was 78 years old at Chicago. John Mahoneys death was caused by brain disease, lung cancer. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

John Mahoney's Awards

  • Won Broadway's 1986 Tony Award as Best Actor (Featured Role - Play) for American Playhouse: The House of Blue Leaves (1987).
  • He was nominated for a 1980 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actor in a Supporting Role for his performance in "Death of a Salesman" at the Steppenwolf Theatre Company in Chicago, Illinois.
  • He was nominated for a 1984 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actor in a Principal Role in a Play for "The Hothouse" at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, Illinois.
  • He was nominated for a 1989 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actor in a Principal Role for "After the Fall" at the National Jewish Theater in Chicago, Illinois.
  • He was nominated for a 2004 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actor in a Principal Role in a Play for "I Never Sang for My Father" at the Steppenwolf Theatre Company in Chicago, Illinois.
  • He was nominated for the 2011 Equity Joseph Jefferson Award for Actor in a Principal Role in a Play for "The Outgoing Tide" at the Northlight Theatre in Chicago, Illinois.

John Mahoney's quotes

  • People say there's no trace of an accent anymore, and there isn't because I worked very hard to lose it. And the reason I did that is a British accent in America is a real status symbol.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

John Mahoney's body shape

Lets describe how John Mahoney looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.